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“I don’t know.”

“How can you not know?”

“Because getting an answer from her is like speaking with Zeus. She doesn’t say shit. The moment you ask her something she’s already avoided it.”

“I could ask around?” he offers.

“No,” I say sharply. Hades raises his brows in silent question. “Unlike you, I’m not going to force her.”

“You’re just going to pine after her then?”

“I’m going to let her come to me.”

“You’re a man of many talents, Aedonaeus. That’s why I’ve appointed you as my successor. I, too, once thought myself a master of self-control, but being connected with another soul steals your rationale and makes you do unthinkable things.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. I’ve been wanting to talk to you about something.” I effectively end the conversation about Josie.

“What is it?”

“Do you remember the clinic that we sponsored? It opened a few years ago. Hermes drops off the donation every moon,” I jog his memory.

“Yes, I do. What about it?”

“Did you know we only contribute ten percent of their funding?”

His brows furrow. “I thought we were contributing eighty-five percent.”

“An anonymous donor is basically funding it. Why?”

“It was your initiative, Aedonaeus. You tell me. You haven’t exactly been to the table meetings. Funds get reallocated if there is no one to campaign for them.”

“Right.” I inwardly beat myself up. Of course, it’s my fault that Josie has been contributing so heavily to the place. Add it to the list of my constant fuck ups. Then I remember I had passed the task off to Eris.

“Eris was in charge of the money,” I growl.

“Of course she was,” he seethes. “That’s how she was able to afford her lavish lifestyle, and that stain of an establishment that she opened. She must have been skimming off the top like the devious scum she is. She was stealing, after all.”

“I’m sorry,” I attempt to apologize, but he disregards me.

“I’ll get the funds put back, and we’ll let sleeping dogs lie. No point in going after her. There’s enough going on. Start showing up because I won’t help you with it again. You’re going to be king someday. You can’t just skip out when you feel like it.”

“Thank you.”

“Of course. Now, I’ll be leaving tomorrow. You will be in charge per usual.” He leads me out of the office. “I’ll be back by the time of this insipid party. Don’t burn the place down.”

“I won’t, sir.”

Stress riddles my body. I’m used to Hades leaving me in charge while he’s gone, but it never really means anything. It only means that I can take a break from royal duties, which I have apparently been taking anyways. Even if the place actually burned down, I’m not sure he would care. He would probably be grateful. Still, it requires a modicum of focus, and I am focused on something else entirely.

Hades never wanted a throne. He just wanted a place away from the other Olympians, his brothers. The Underworld was where he could do just that. My father has never let on how he came to be the protector of the realm itself, but there are many things I don’t know. I don’t envy him. I dread the day it all becomes my responsibility.

Samuel, the doorman, is waiting for me when I walk up, smiling ear to ear. He swings the door open wide, buzzing like he can hardly contain himself. “Afternoon, sir.”


“She’s upstairs,” he blurts out.

“Who is?”

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