Page 32 of Going Once

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He put a finger to his lips, indicating quiet, and then lowered his voice to a whisper.

“Someone leaked the news about a witness. One of the reporters threw it out at the press conference. I did what I could to squash the information, but it’s only a matter of time before they come up with a name.”

Nola felt all the blood suddenly rushing from her head. Tate’s face was getting blurry as her legs suddenly went out from under her. She grabbed hold of his jacket, struggling to stay upright as he caught her, holding her close against his chest.

“Breathe, honey, breathe. We won’t let anything happen to you,” he said.

“You can’t stop him,” she whispered. “You don’t even know what he looks like.”

Tate was as frustrated as she was afraid.

“I told them the person they think was a witness was actually just a sick woman who was feverish and hallucinating when she was rescued. I said the woman was out of her head, and there was no witness to the killer’s identity.”

“Do you think they believed you?”

“You know how some of the media are these days. If they don’t have a story, they’ll make one up.”

She groaned. “What do I do?”

“Don’t put yourself out there, for sure. I’m not going anywhere. Go about your normal routine inside. Don’t behave as if you’re spooked, or someone will put two and two together, especially when they see us keeping tabs on you.”

She was silent, her mind scrambling to find a quick solution. And then it hit her.

“The locals know we used to be a couple, right?”

“Yes. So?”

“Well, one excuse for us being in each other’s pockets would be that we’re resuming our relationship. Unless that messes you up as a federal agent or something. I don’t know how all that works.”

Tate was silent. She actually had a good point. It would allay suspicions and leave everyone to assume they were just renewing their relationship.

He tilted her chin until their gazes were locked. Her eyes were glistening with unshed tears, and he could see her pulse throbbing at the base of her throat. Her mouth was slightly parted, like there was something more she was about to say, but he didn’t give her a chance.

He lowered his head, and when their lips connected, he heard a sigh and then her eyes went shut. He didn’t know how she felt, but for him it was like coming home.

When he finally pulled back, she stifled a groan, her eyelashes fluttering as she finally looked up.

“Why did you do that?”

“If we’re going to convince people we’re a couple again, that is bound to happen. I had to make sure you wouldn’t slap my face.”

Nola frowned. “After the week I’ve had, I’m way past slapping faces. I’m just happy to be here, Tate. I’ll follow your lead. Whatever you do or say about us as a couple, I’ll back you. That way I won’t overstep your government bounds, okay?”

Tate smiled wryly. “We’re federal agents, not priests. We’re allowed personal lives.”

“Even on the job?”

His expression hardened. “I’ll handle it. Just stay where I can see you.”

She wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him.

“What was that for?” he asked.

“I keep thinking what kind of trouble I’d be in right now if you and your team hadn’t showed up when you did.”

He frowned. “I don’t even want to go there. You’re damn lucky you’re still alive. Let’s get back inside. We’ll play this slow. It’ll be more believable if we don’t become too familiar too fast.”

“Like I said, I’ll follow your lead.”

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