Page 62 of Her Forever Daddies

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“We need to wake her up so we can get her in the bath,” Jace said.

Following his friend into the master bedroom, they sat on either side of her and started rubbing her back to gently wake her.

“It’s time to wake up, baby girl,” Zane said.

“No, thanks. No wake-up,” she mumbled as she clutched her stuffed kangaroo tighter.

Both men chuckled.

“Yes, wake up, baby girl. We need to give you a bath and start helping you get ready,” Jace told her.

She let out a long dramatic sigh and rolled over onto her back, looking up at both of them.

“Do I really have to go to this?” she asked.

“Fuck no, you don’t have to go. We’d rather you stay here with us,” Zane blurted.

Jace gave him a look, and he barely refrained from rolling his eyes at his friend. He knew Jace felt the same way, Zane just wasn’t one to sugarcoat it.

“Baby girl, you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. We’ll never force you to do something you don’t want to do. Well, except maybe eat your vegetables and go to the doctor regularly. It’s up to you, baby. Whatever you decide, your Daddies will always support you and have your back,” Jace explained.

She glanced from Jace to Zane and sighed. “How did I get lucky enough to meet you guys?”

Zane chuckled. “You acted like a brat and we punished you. That’s how.”

The sweet giggle that escaped her lips made him relax slightly, but only just slightly.

“I need to go. I feel obligated to go. They’ll disown me and take everything away from me if I don’t.”

Anger bubbled inside him again, but he swallowed it down and took a breath before he spoke.

“Baby girl, just because they’re your parents doesn’t mean you owe them a single thing. If they want to cut you off, let them, because Daddy and I will happily take care of everything you need. Okay?” Zane asked.

Staring up at him, she reached up and ran her hand along the stubble on his jaw, something he was quickly learning was a calming thing for her.

“When did you get so smart, Zaddy? And here I just thought you were all good looks and a big dick.”

Jace burst out laughing while Zane stared at her in shock. After a few beats, he laughed and then reached out and started tickling her.

“You are such a little troublemaker,” he said as she squealed and squirmed under his fingers.

“Mercy! Zaddy, it was a compliment!”

He stopped tickling her and leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips.

“Don’t ever stop being your silly, sassy, bratty self, little one. You keep me on my toes,” he said gently.

She nodded. “Don’t worry, Zaddy. I have no intention of calming down my charm.”

“Do you want Zaddy to do your hair, baby?” he asked when she’d finished her makeup.

She eyed him in the reflection of the mirror.

“You know how to do hair?” she asked.

He shrugged. “I’ve been watching videos on women with hair similar to yours so I’d know how to do it.”

Turning around so her bottom was pressed against the counter, she reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her mouth.

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