Page 10 of Her Forever Daddies

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“Maybe we’ll even hang a sign that says Ruby’s Corner,” Zane added.

Ruby shot Zane an incredulous look but he continued talking before she could say anything.

“No more throwing books. Or snatching things out of people’s hands. Are we clear?” Zane asked.

“Yes. I understand.”

Both men nodded and smiled at her.

“Do you have any questions for us?” Jace asked.

“Are you both Daddies?”

Jace nodded. “Yes, Ruby. We’re both very much Daddies.”

She contemplated his answer for a second before she spoke, and Jace just knew that whatever was going to come out of her mouth was going to be sassy.

“So does that mean your Little calls you Zaddy?” she asked Zane.

Zane furrowed his eyebrows and then looked over at Jace with a confused look on his face. He grinned at his friend, knowing Zane was completely lost as to what she was asking.

“Why would they call me Zaddy? What does that even mean?” he asked.

Ruby giggled and shrugged. “Zaddy would fit you perfectly.”

Jace chuckled while Zane continued to look confused.

“He doesn’t have a Little, so no one calls him anything,” Jace finally told her.

“Oh. Do you have a Little?” she asked.

Shaking his head, Jace sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees.

“No, Ruby. Zane and I are a package deal, so when we have a Little, there’s only one of them dating the both of us. But we don’t have a Little right now.”




Had she heard that right?

They shared women? The two hottest freaking men on the planet who could both have hundreds of women lining up to be with them and they shared only one?

She didn’t really know what to think about that.

When she’d been in the playroom after Jace had left, she played quietly with Maddie for a bit until she had to leave. Ruby actually really liked Maddie, but she knew that trying to be friends with her would only end up in heartache, so instead of asking if she wanted to exchange numbers like she’d wanted to do, she just waved goodbye.

After that, she felt sad. Jace had left her, and then Maddie, and suddenly she was snatching a book out of another Little’s hands for no reason. Okay, maybe it was because she was hoping Jace would show back up in the playroom, but to her surprise, it was another guy as equally hot as Jace, but much more serious.

It was funny, really. She had only spent a short amount of time with each man, but she already knew Jace was the laid-back, easy-going one and Zane was more stern and rigid. It didn’t take much to know that Zane would be the stricter of the two.

“Ruby? Are you listening to us?” Jace asked, cutting into her thoughts.

Looking up from where she was staring at the tulle on her dress, she smiled at him and then glanced at Zane, who was frowning.

Go figure.

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