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I imagined to most of the guests, our embrace looked like a simple moment of shared affection. Unremarkable, really.

But to me, everything about Hugh’s weight in my arms, the warmth of his breath on my skin, the privilege of standing beside him and supporting him, felt remarkable. Earthshaking, really.

“I…” I swallowed. My heart was full of him, and I needed him not to feel so alone. “I meant what I said earlier. Meeting you changed my life, and I’m grateful to know you. You’re an incredible person, and…”

Hugh pulled back and met my eyes. His confusion was clear in his furrowed eyebrows. “What are you doing right now?” he asked softly.

I reached out to run a thumb across the apple of his cheek, feeling the smooth skin and his body’s warmth. “You’re kind and thoughtful. You care so much about people. I just want you to know that’s a good thing.”

His jaw tightened. “Don’t fucking pity me. I can take it from many people. I can take it from Jared, I can take it from his drummer boy, and I can take it from the Curriers. But I cannot take it from you, okay?”

“It’s not pity. Jesus, Hugh. I…” I leaned forward and kissed him, mostly to stop his anger toward me and because I couldn’t resist kissing him any longer. His hand curled into the front of my sweater and held on tight.

When we finally separated, I noticed Jared and Ben staring at us, though no one else had seemed to notice. I felt like an ass for making a scene in front of his ex, even though one could argue that’s kind of what I’d been there to do.

“Sorry,” I muttered, looking down at where his hand still clutched my clothing. I needed the reminder that it hadn’t just been me who’d been into it.

“Don’t be sorry,” Hugh said, lips curving up. “You’re a damned good kisser. Never need to apologize for kissing me, Oscar. Even if you’re only doing it to shut me up.”

I leaned in close and brushed my lips against his ear. He smelled amazing. “Maybe I wanted to shut you up, but I also wanted to remind myself what your tongue tastes like?”

He shivered in my arms. It occurred to me that there was no way I’d be able to drop him off at his place later tonight without begging him to let me come inside and take him to bed.

Before I could remind myself of all the reasons that would be unfair to Hugh, Abby walked up. “It’s about time.” She beamed at her brother. “You two look so happy. I’m glad you finally started dating. I could tell when I saw the way you looked at each other last year in the hospital there was something there more than friendship. I didn’t want to bring it up after what you said this summer, Hugh, but love finds a way, right?”

Hugh’s mouth opened and closed like he wasn’t sure how to respond. I knew he didn’t want to lie to her, but her expression was so open and happy, hopeful and expectant, that he wouldn’t want to do or say anything that might burst her love bubble. I couldn’t bring myself to do it either.

“I was just telling your brother what a good man he is.” My voice sounded rougher than normal, but she didn’t seem to notice.

“He is. He’s the best.” She leaned in and gave Hugh a quick hug. “Everything going okay? Sorry I’ve been so busy greeting everyone I haven’t had a chance to talk.”

Hugh smiled warmly. “Actually, I have a little surprise for you first. Remember how you and Dex helped me ‘test my new camera’ a few weeks ago by pretending to do an interview for me?” He pulled out his phone and tapped a few times. “I put something together for you.”

I crowded in to watch over his shoulder at the video he pulled up. It began like most of Hugh’s HEA videos, with Hugh asking how the couple met and how they knew their significant other would be their Happily Ever After. But in this case, Hugh had interspersed snippets of their interviews with footage of Dex and Abby through the various stages of their relationship—splash-fighting at the beach, kissing next to a lit Christmas tree, dressed up in formal wear and pulling faces to make each other laugh. The montage ended with Abby’s interview voiceover saying, “I knew he was my happily ever after when I realized the only thing that scared me about the future was the idea of spending one minute apart from him that we could have spent together.”

When it was done playing, Abby threw her arms around Hugh exuberantly, and when she pulled back, her eyes were filled with happy tears. “Hugh,” she began. “That was…”

Hugh shook his head. “I just wanted you to know I understand about the wedding. You didn’t need a fancy dress to feel special when Dex shows you how special you are every moment.”

Abby closed her eyes and inhaled. “Yeah. That’s it exactly. I’m going to treasure that video, and I know Dex will too. Thank you.” She ran her fingertips under her eyes. “Also, if my mascara is running right now, I will hate you forever.”

“You look beautiful,” I assured her.

She gave a watery chuckle. “Thank you. Do you think I could introduce you around now?”

Hugh agreed, and the next hour was spent being led from person to person as Abby took every opportunity to introduce Hugh to the important people in her life he hadn’t met yet and make sure they all saw Hugh’s video. Several of them already followed his TikTok account and praised him for it, asking questions about specific couples or posts and suggesting ideas for couples they knew that would be the perfect addition to his repertoire. In every case, he remained the charming, approachable man he was.

I loved seeing Hugh get the attention he deserved, and I also found it curiously freeing to be around people who didn’t seem to know or care who I was aside from “Hugh’s boyfriend.” With Hugh’s hand in mine or my arm around his waist, I had no need of my emotional support hedgehog, and Frank remained comfortably ensconced in my pocket…

At least until Abby pulled us into the main part of the bar to meet her coworker Chelsea, and I recognized the man standing next to her with his eyes glued on one of the television screens over the bar.

“Oh, shit,” I muttered, my heart sinking.

Hugh looked at me in confusion and concern, but before I could explain, the man on the stool turned around.

“Well, will you look who it is?” Sage’s big voice boomed. His grin was wide and easy, just like the man himself. “My very own big brother, the dude who couldn’t be bothered to return my call last week.”

“Sorry about that,” I murmured, accepting his giant hug and barely avoiding being lifted off the ground. “I’ve been busy with work. And I just saw you two weeks ago,” I reminded him.

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