Page 94 of Becoming Selfish

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“Hi,” I whisper in return.

He tilts his head and kisses my tattooed collarbone, his new favorite spot, before placing me back on my feet.

“Good game.” I look up to him, beaming with pride.

“Thank you.” He eyes my body up and down. “You look gorgeous,” Eli tells me, taking away any worry I may have had about not wearing the team’s gear.

My cheeks begin to heat as I’m suddenly reminded that the entire team and all of his fans just saw him hug and kiss me. As I look around, at least thirty sets of eyes are on us, but Eli doesn’t seem to notice or care as he cups my face with both hands and leans down to place his lips on mine.

“Hey, Ali,” Eli says as he keeps his eyes on me, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. He slides his forearm around the front of my shoulders, turning me and pulling me in close to his chiseled body. He holds me firmly to him with my back to his chest before resting his chin on the top of my head.

“Hey, Maddison. Nice game.” She wears an approving smile as she looks between Eli and me.

When I glance up, Alyssa’s face is the first one I see, and it’s plastered in disbelief and disgust. She’s holding a sign with Eli, Patrick, and Cam’s numbers on it, but she’s about to drop it as her eyes burn into me. I spot Patrick next, whose brows are furrowed in confusion, then Cam, who has a genuine smile on his face. Most everyone else who I recognize as students are staring at us in shock and surprise.

Marc makes his way to Eli and I with his parents following close behind. Eli drops his arm from my shoulders but slides his hand down, grazing the small of my back.

“Nice game, son,” Eli’s dad says with a proud grin on his face as he pats his son on the back. He and Eli look so much alike. Even though Eli’s dad is technically his uncle, they look as if they could be biological father and son. He’s equally handsome and just as tall.

“And who might this be?” Marc’s mom asks as she looks to me with a questioning but excited expression. Marc’s mom is also beautiful but surprisingly petite. Marc’s biological dad must’ve been where he got his height, but the rest of him is all her. His mom has the same deep tan skin and shiny black hair as her son.

“This” Eli stumbles. We haven’t really talked about how we’ll introduce one another, so this is a little awkward. He scratches his brow with his thumb before he looks to me as if I could help him answer. He clears his throat as he starts again. “This is...” he pauses.

“Mom, this is my best friend, Logan,” Marc interjects, saving his brother from the embarrassment he’s causing himself.

“Oh my god! Logan! Marc has told us so much about you!” She beams as she wraps me in her arms for a hug. “I was hoping I would get to meet you this weekend.”

Eli keeps his hand on my lower back the entire time I’m wrapped in his stepmom’s arms.

“Though, Marc did not mention that you were so beautiful. Or that you were even a woman for that matter.” She cups my face with her hands, taking me in.

“See, I’m not the only one who didn’t know,” Eli tells Marc in a knowing tone, as Eli pulls me close to his side again. Marc just responds with a shrug when all eyes land on him.

“It’s so nice to meet you...Mrs. Maddison?” I question, not knowing the correct name to call her. I know Marc’s last name is Jones, but she is married to Eli’s dad. It’s all so confusing.

“Please, call me Mary.” She clasps her hands under her chin and looks between Eli and me, beaming with excitement as she puts the pieces together.

“And I’m Jack,” Eli’s dad says as he reaches past his wife to shake my hand.

“Nice to meet you both,” I say, catching the sly grin Eli’s dad shoots him. Jack looks between Marc, Eli, and me before letting out a chuckle, obviously finding humor in the fact that his son finally stuck with one girl, and it just so happens to be his other son’s best friend. Eli playfully rolls his eyes and shakes his head as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in closer to his body.

“And this is Ali,” Marc says, changing the subject. “She’s in school with Logan and me, getting her MBA.”

“Lovely to meet you.” Mary gives Ali a sweet smile.

“You too.”

“Well, you girls just have to come over to the house for dinner tonight,” Mary states, glancing between Ali and me. “I made plenty of food for everyone.”

“I would love to, but I have dinner plans already,” Ali tells Mary, regretfully.

“You do?” Marc questions her.

“Yes, I do.”

“That’s too bad. Next time?” Mary asks, genuinely disappointed as Ali nods in agreement. “Well, Logan, what do you say?” Mary turns her attention back to me.

“She’s not going to let you get out of it, Logan,” Jack says. “She’s been dying to meet you, so you should just give in and say yes. It’ll make your life easier.”

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