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Gable caught her arm and kept her moving.

I hooked my hand around Shayne’s waist and pulled her into me. “How’d you find me?”

“I went to your apartment.”

I winced. “I moved. Actually, I sent you the address. Remember?”

She frowned. “I don’t remember getting a text about an address change.”

I pulled out my phone and went to our messages, starting to scroll up.

I winced when I saw the red dot beside it that said ‘undeliverable.’

“Here it is,” I said. “It didn’t send. Stupid reception at the station. We’re in the middle of fuckin’ Dallas, and we can’t get a fuckin’ signal to save our lives sometimes.”

“The Angel Flight station doesn’t have very good signal either,” she admitted, her eyes staying on Elliette.

I clenched her waist and pulled her in tighter to me.

“I’m okay,” I said softly, right against her ear.

She pressed against me, her shoulders sagging. “Good.”

I liked that she cared.

She could act unaffected by me all she wanted, but she still loved me just as much as I loved her.

Which only made what was about to happen tomorrow all the worse.

I couldn’t very well tell her what was about to happen.

I also couldn’t not tell her something.

She’d never forgive me if I didn’t.

“You want to go grab some dinner?” I asked. “Then you can come out to my new place.”

She looked at her watch. “Dinner sounds good, but I can’t come out to your place. That address you showed me is over forty minutes away, and I have to be on shift tomorrow by ten in the morning. It’s already nine.”

That was true.

We had guys’ night so late because all of the brothers were on different shift times. Garrett and Quincy were on an eleven to seven shift at the moment. I had the day off along with Auden. The rest of them were on shift from eight to four.

Needless to say, we either didn’t meet at all, or we met late.

“What about your guys’ night?” she asked, eyeing my brothers who were now laughing and carrying on surrounding one of the bar’s pool tables.

“We can go hang out for a bit, figure out who’s gonna be the DD if I’m not here,” I said as I tucked her hand in mine. Right where it belonged. “Then we’ll head out.”

“Okay,” she said softly, not pulling her hand away from mine.

We came to a stop next to Garrett who was at the end of the table, lining up his shot.

“Which one of you is still sober?” I asked the crowd.

“I am,” Gable said. “Don’t really feel like drinking all that much anyway.”

His eyes went to Shayne, then flitted away, letting me know that we were on the same page.

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