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I’d only realized it once Shayne was gone.

Stupidly, I’d tried to give her space, but she’d taken that space, and made it miles.

“Nonna died, Ande,” I said, realizing that the conversation would degrade had we stayed on the same path. “Do you know where she is?”

I knew that she and Shayne followed each other on an app that let them know their locations.

However, without access to that app, I wouldn’t know where to find her.

“What?” Ande cried out.

“The location, sis,” I said softly. “I need to find her.”

There was a scramble on the other end of the line, and then Ande said, “She’s driving north on 635.”

I shook my head. “I’ll call you back.”

Then I was calling my brothers.

One of them would be close to where she was, and they’d help me find her.

In the interim, I closed up my workspace, and said to my second in command, Boseman, that I was headed out.

Since he’d heard the entire conversation and was fully aware of who Shayne was to me, he didn’t say a word.

I caught up to Shayne with my brother Gable’s help. Though, Gable couldn’t do anything besides follow her and tell me where she was—when he could relay that information—thanks to him being undercover.

Deep undercover.

With the same fuckin’ gang that Shayne’s brother, Costas, ran.

“I’m here,” I said to my brother the moment he watched me pull up behind his motorcycle.

And, playing the part, he immediately took off, going so fast that there was no hope for anyone to find him.

I didn’t pursue him, though.

Instead, I put my lights on and flashed them at Shayne.

Shayne pulled over on the side of 635, but I texted her instead of getting out of the car.


Pull over in the parking lot of Starbucks in front of you.

She took a few seconds to follow directions, and when she finally did, I pulled over behind her and turned my lights off.

I wasn’t surprised in the least to find a body bag in her back seat.

I walked right up to her car and said, “You’re doing this yourself?”

She nodded, not looking at me.

“All right, I’ll follow you there,” I offered. “Be careful.”

She nodded her head once and then started off, not waiting for me to get into my car to follow her.

The drive to the crematorium took an hour and a half, with all the traffic.

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