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It was hard to think about life before.

The last three months had been… perfect.

Well, perfectly imperfect.

Quinn and I were still working. He spent quite a bit of time with the gang unit. Meanwhile, I spent a lot of time at home by myself.

When I was bored, or missed him, I’d drop by the station with his favorite sandwich or baked good just for the excuse to see him.

I loved seeing him in his element. I loved even more that he stopped everything to wrap me up in his arms and hug the life out of me.

Something he’d done since the day we’d fallen from that plane together.

Every single time he saw me after any time apart, he’d hug me like he hadn’t seen me in weeks instead of hours. Hell, I could just be outside working in the flower beds, and he’d come out and hug me until he was back to level again.

“It’s the orange peel theory,” my sister-in-law suggested.

I looked up from my contemplation of my flower beds through my living room window and looked around.

“What’s the orange peel theory?” I asked Hollis.

“Pretty much, if you ask your man to peel an orange for you, and he does it without question, then he’s a good man.” Hollis paused for a grimace. “Jesus, I didn’t think breast feeding would be so painful.”

“Amen,” Ellodie said as she, too, breast fed her baby, Cam.

Cam was born a few weeks ago, and like Hollis and Quincy’s daughter, Dalia, he was as cute as a button.

“Just wait, it gets better,” Ande drawled. “Do you have any oranges?”

I looked on with longing.

A long time ago, the thought of having a baby never even crossed my mind. Quinn and my relationship was just too messed up.

But now that it wasn’t, now that we were together and blissfully happy, I wanted what they had.

I wanted a baby with Quinn.

I wanted to see his eyes and my nose in a tiny little face.

However, despite going to the doctor, and seeing a specialist, they told me that it would likely never happen. And if it did, the pregnancy would be volatile at best.

The decision was made that we wouldn’t have any kids—at least through my body.

The stress and the pain of getting pregnant, and then hoping I could stay pregnant, weren’t something either one of us wanted to contemplate.

So, I’d gotten an IUD and we wouldn’t have to think about it for a while.

Well, at least not a child from my own body.

We had talked about adoption as well as a surrogate.

And we were both very on board.

Just… not right now.

We had a few more life things to fix.

Such as my brother, whom we were going to see later today at the courthouse when his trial started.

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