Page 75 of Since the Dead Rose

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“Strength and protection. We don’t have much in the way of supplies, but we can get some.”

Another guy I don’t recognize approaches Claire’s side and joins the conversation. He must have been eavesdropping. “The problem with that is one of your people needs insulin. That’s difficult to come across nowadays, so if we help her, then we would need to make sure we get enough out of it in return.”

“Does someone else here need it?” I ask. It didn’t occur to me that someone else could rely on it before I grabbed all that I could.

“No,” the man answers, and I frown at that.

“Then why do you deny it to someone who does?” I ask.

“We’re giving it to you,” he answers.

“Two weeks’ worth at a time,” Max interjects. “Sounds to me like you want to hold on to it all for bartering. Holding it over the heads of those who really need it.”

“That’s not true.”

“Did you, or did you not, take something from us in order to give us insulin?” Max raises an eyebrow while he waits for an answer.

“How many did you take?” the man asks, ignoring Max’s question.

“Two weeks, because we respect the survival needs of others and thought someone here must need it, but now I’m thinking we should take it all.”

“Max.” I lay a hand on his forearm that I know is going for a weapon. “It’s fine. We’ll get these to Zoey and then figure something out.”

I can’t risk losing these. Not when I’ve finally found her life-saving medication. It’s a rush that I didn’t expect to feel. We need to get out of here. They can come back while I’m gone, but I need to go before I risk losing these. Before I risk losing Zoey.

“You should listen to the lady,” the man says, and I feel Max’s arm flex beneath my hand.

A smile lights up Max’s face and I know it means trouble. “You’re right. We got what we need, so let’s just?—”

The movement is almost too fast to catch, but I’m the only one who sees the knife slicing through Max’s palm. He shoves the knife out of sight again before hollering in pain.

“What’s happened?” Claire asks, rushing over.

“Something cut me. All this medical supplies, and no one can even grab any without bleeding to death.” Max holds his hand in the air, blood dripping down his palm and onto the floor.

“Well, don’t just stand there, help him.” Claire pushes at the man, who’s staring at Max with disbelief, and they both spring into action. Max continues to howl in pain, but when I panic, he winks at me and kisses my cheek before continuing his charade. He whispers something to William, who immediately turns back to the insulin and grabs a few more vials.

It takes a while for them to bandage Max’s hand because he’s an insufferable patient who puts on a show. Griffin seems annoyed with the total fiasco, but he goes along with it. “You’re a dumbass. I can’t believe you cut yourself this badly in a medical supplies room. What would you have done if we’d been out on the streets?”

“Bled to death, I guess.” Max shrugs. “It’s kind of a rush. Did you feel this lightheaded when you nearly bled to death?”

Claire’s eyes widen, but Griffin shakes his head in disbelief. William chuckles, which turns into a cough, when the other man looks at him over his shoulder.

“There, that should do it.” Claire breathes out a heavy breath and steps back. Her arms cross over her chest when she looks at her handiwork.

“Ah, that’s better. It’s a little itchy, though.”

“Maybe you should try scratching it with a knife,” Griffin deadpans.

Claire and the other man look between them with confused looks on their faces.

“Perhaps later. Then my favorite pet can play nurse for me.” Max walks over and plants a kiss on me, placing one hand on my lower back so I don’t topple over with the force of it.

“Did you get what you need?” Claire asks, and I push away from Max and close the refrigerator door before they could see how much is missing. Hopefully, we’ll be long gone before that happens.

“We should get going,” I say, pleading with my eyes if any of them were to look at me, but they’re not. They’re all watching Claire and the newcomer as though someone’s waiting for something to happen.

“Let’s go,” Griffin finally says, breaking the tension. He places a hand against my lower back and guides me down the hall in the direction we came, leaving Gregory behind. Once the cool night air hits my skin, I know I’ve done it. I got it.

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