Page 57 of Since the Dead Rose

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Murmured arguments reach me. Someone is telling Griffin to sleep on the couch, but he doesn’t want to. Max says they’ll be fine because he’s going to be up anyway, keeping watch. Angry footsteps stomp away.

My head presses against a muscular chest, a warm palm covering the side of my face. William’s voice vibrates through his chest when he speaks. “Sleep, Em. I’ve got you.”

William sacrifices himself as my pillow, my mattress, and my blanket. Pretty soon warmth engulfs me and I’m drifting off to sleep again.

The world is dark when my eyes open, save for the glow of the fire. A low rumble and a soft rise and fall of my head stirs me more awake, and I realize I’m on William’s chest. He’s still sound asleep. I want to go back to sleep, too, but my bladder protests. So I slide away, careful not to wake him, and then sneak off to pee and wash up.

I’m walking back to camp, rubbing the sleep from my eyes, when a figure steps out in front of me. I open my mouth to scream, but he slams a hand over my mouth. “Shhh, it’s only me, pet.”

His hand slides away, but he doesn’t move, still blocking my path. I’m more awake now than I was a few moments ago. “Did you follow me?”

“Only enough to make sure you were safe. Wanted to make sure you made it back okay. Never know what kind of creepy crawlies will sneak up on you, even while relieving yourself.”

I huff out a laugh and shake my head. “Like you?”

He tilts his head enough so that I can make out his grin in the faint moonlight. “I’m the best kind of creepy crawlie there is.”

His knuckles slide along my jaw and then down my throat, sending a shiver through me at the memory of what happened inside the pub.

“I wonder what would’ve happened if we weren’t interrupted,” he says.

“We might never find out.”

“Hmm, that’s a shame.”

A low moan sounds from behind me and Max reaches for his morning star, but I have my knife drawn and am already moving away. The rotter is crawling along the ground, legless. I put it out of its misery before Max even blinks, and I turn to face him again. “You can get the next one.”

But he’s not looking at the rotter, he’s looking at me. He pulls a scrap of fabric from his back pocket and presses it against my forehead. When he pulls the fabric away, I can see it dotted with a spot of blood in the faint starlight streaming in through the canopy. “You look sexy when you’re covered in someone else’s blood.”

He pushes me back against the nearest tree and kisses me, reminding me so much of our first kiss. My breath hitches and I relax into him, my heart pounding.

Another moan from somewhere off to the side. Max doesn’t pull his lips from mine when he pulls out a knife and throws it blindly into the dark. The moan stops. Our lips are only a breadth apart. “You should be careful. There are rotters around.”

“I’m with you.”

He closes the gap and presses his lips to mine again, hard, with hunger. His hands squeeze my hips and he grinds against me when I reach up and loop my arms around his neck. I hold him close. I hold him like he’s mine.

I pull back. “We left the others unprotected while they sleep.”

A gleam appears in his eyes and his lips turn up in a half smile before he leans down to kiss the side of my neck. “You can see them from here, over my shoulder. You can watch sleeping William during what I’m about to do to you, pet.”

His mouth trails fervent kisses across my collarbone and he slowly kneels to the ground in front of me. Hooking his fingers into my waistband, he tugs my pants and underwear down my thighs before spreading my legs and feasting on me. I don’t have time to process what he’s doing before I’m lost to the sensations.

I fold over with my hands on his shoulders, and he presses one hand between my breasts to push me back upright. “Don’t worry, pet. I’ve got you, but I’m going to need you to stay standing for me. Watch them while I take care of you.”

My gaze roams over Max’s head, through the trees and the short distance to the small building where Griffin sleeps, and William’s sleeping form on the ground by the fire. Buddy is sound asleep next to him. There are no rotters in sight. We’re all still safe.

One of my arms reaches up and holds onto the low hanging tree branch above me, while my other hand travels down to tangle my fingers in Max’s dark hair. His tongue presses against my clit and I gasp. He pauses and looks up at me with his tongue still on me. “Do I need to cover your mouth?”

“No,” I breathe out. “Please continue.”

My head falls back against the tree trunk and he continues to fuck me with his tongue. A crescendo builds up deep in my core and threatens to spill over. My legs shake. I fight to keep my eyes open, watching over the others while my worlds rocks.

I can’t keep it in anymore. The orgasm rushes through me and Max’s hand reaches up before the first cry can escape. His hand covers my mouth while I come undone on his tongue and then I slide down the trunk, the bark cutting into my back through my thin shirt, but I don’t care. He catches me in his arms with my head falling against his chest. His touch is so gentle that it surprises me, but he holds me to him like I’ll break if he moves. My eyes flutter closed. I’m cocooned in his warmth.

He kisses the top of my head and runs his fingers with featherlight touches up and down my arm. “Still wonder what would’ve happened if we weren’t interrupted?”

“Hmm. No, this was perfect,” I mumble.

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