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“That’s when I feel my scars, too,” I whisper.

He tugs my hand away from his face and I expect him to drop my hand, but I feel a cool metal band clasp around my wrist instead. Looking down, I gasp when I see that I’m now handcuffed to him. “What are you doing?”

“I save your life and you repay me by stealing my car and destroying my food.”

“What destroyed food? I put it all back in the bag,” I argue.

He motions with his head toward the ground a few feet away and I see the contents of a few busted cans spilling out over the ground. Oh, so that’s what I ran over.


“You can repay it by helping us replace it. Luckily, that wasn’t everything we have.”

“So I’m just going to be handcuffed to you for…”

“Until I see fit. Now come on, we have another tent to finish setting up.” He reaches inside the car for the tent bag and then tugs me behind him as he leads the way back to the clearing. William stands in the middle of the campsite, watching us with his arms crossed over his broad chest, a look of interest on his face. He probably got a fun show of my failed escape.

“This is ridiculous,” I mumble.

Max falls into stride beside me, twirling around his morning star on his other side with a grin on his face and a few strands of his pitch black hair framing his vibrant green eyes. “Next time you try for something fun like that, give me a heads up, will ya? I want to see if I can fly all the way over the car next time.”

“You’re insane,” I say, but that only makes him grin wider.

“Collect enough firewood yet?” The surly one asks, and Max slinks off with a disappointed sigh.

Setting up a tent while handcuffed to someone is a level of difficulty I never want to experience again. This is ridiculous. Absolute insanity. Once the task is finished, I raise my wrist that’s connected to his and wait.

“Waiting for something?”

“I did what you asked, so now can you let me out of this thing?”

“Nope.” He tugs on the short chain between us, forcing me to follow him inside the tent. He busies himself by setting up a sleeping bag with blankets and pillows. I’m really just along for the ride at this point.

“Can we go into town so I can replace your precious cans and get out of this thing?” I try again.


I yank on the cuffs connecting us, forcing him to look at me. “Is there anything I can do to get out of this for the night? At least hide the car keys from me so I can’t escape. It’s not my fault you left them in the ignition.”

“Like that’ll stop you. So far, the only thing I’ve seen from you is putting yourself in danger. You’re now stuck with me for your own safety.” He goes back to laying blankets down.

My own safety? That catches me off guard. I don’t even know how to respond to that. Surely he can’t be that concerned over a complete stranger. I’m certainly not that concerned about them.

“Think that’ll be enough blankets for you, princess?”

“I have a name.”

He shrugs. “Suit yourself.” He walks out of the tent, forcing me to follow behind him. What is that even supposed to mean?

“Do I not get my own tent?”

He laughs and shakes his head as though I’ve said the funniest thing he’s ever heard. “Absolutely not.”

“So I’m staying chained to you the entire night?”

“Now you’re catching on.”

Holding up my free hand in the air, I make a motion like I’m strangling him. I doubt I could get my hand all the way around his neck. I’ll figure out another way to get out of this mess while he’s sleeping.

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