Page 42 of Bound To You

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Bratva sovietnik, my ass.

Damian comes over and puts his arm around my waist, making me tense. Still, he just squeezes me, reminding me I'm giving him a chance, and I relax a little until I'm laughing my ass off.

I hear Alexandr growl, "Hang on a fucking second. I'm her favorite, not you."

Damian keeps me up while his body shakes as both Sergi and Alexandr argue over Mila, and she just smiles, loving the attention.

Damian finally has enough and states, "Get your butts in the car, will you? Besides, I'm her favorite, you know, being her daddy and all." Shaking his head, he plucks Mila out of Sergi's arms, causing him to pout. Alexandr tries to take her from him, but he's having none of it. I chuckle again. Poor girl.

We all climb in the waiting SUV, and we make our way to Elm Street, a neighborhood where I always wanted a house. Unfortunately, my mother butted in, stating Hudson Valley was better. Yeah, it's better for your husband to have affairs.

When we finally get through New York traffic, and we get to his street an hour later, my heart starts to pound.

"We're going to drop Mila off with Sergi so he can spend some time with her, if that's okay?"

I tense, but Sergi looks back at me from the front passenger seat, pouting. Alexandr is driving, trying to hold in his chuckle at my expense. I narrow my eyes at him, and he straightens quickly, causing Damian to snort. Before I can give him the same treatment, I catch Sergi's puppy dog eyes again, causing me to roll mine and I nod.

Damian continues, "Your father wants to see you, and I thought it'd be best in the office."

I tense again, but not because of my father, who sold me, but because of Candice.

"He just wants to talk to you, malyshka."

I nod. He's about to get the shock of his life when I break that cunt's nose, and reveal everything I know about her and her nasty dealings.

As if he can read my mind, Sergi smirks at me, and I smirk back, causing him to chuckle and Damian to furrow his brows.

He shakes his head and says, "I'll give you a quick tour, then we'll go, okay?"

I nod, and we sit silently for ten minutes while Mila sings nursery rhymes. Then we pull through tall black gates as his guards let us in.

After five minutes of passing trees on either side of the car, we pull up to the most beautiful Victorian home. Light gray on the outside, with a beautiful black wraparound porch. Damian gets out first, then holds out his hand for me while Sergi beats Alexandr to Mila in her car seat. I take his hand, and he helps me out.

"Wow, it's beautiful," I whisper, and Damian smiles like he just won the jackpot.

"As you can see, it has a 4-car garage. It's got five bedrooms, five full baths, and one-half bath, and it's 9,124 sq ft., sitting on eight acres of land.

Come on, let us go look." He pulls be along behind him as we walk up the steps into the front foyer. Damian continues to talk about the house as I look around in awe. Mila runs ahead with both her uncles vying for her attention.

"Out back, there's a full bar-b-que area, a pool with a Jacuzzi attached, a full swing set and play area for Mila, as well as a sand pit and a detached gym," he reports as I look around the beautiful home. The living area is straight ahead, and to the left is a grand staircase. We continue to walk through, and to the right of the living area, under an arch, is the dining room with an antique table, different from the one I bought but also the same. The color is darker, more like dark oak. And then there's the beautiful marble kitchen that's big enough for a chef's dream, with a breakfast bar in the middle of the dining room and kitchen to separate it.

We go to the sliding doors to the backyard, and I gasp at the gazebo out back.

Damian puts his arm around my waist, resting his chin on my head.

"For your reading," he says as a tear slips out of my eye. He really wants me be comfortable here.

He lets go of my waist and takes my hand, and we continue to walk around.

Off to the right of the kitchen is a small quarter bath.

“All bedrooms have a bathroom attached with a shower and bath, down here just, as you walk through the front door, you have a closet, then the next door is a toilet and sink. You have two bedrooms on the second floor with walk in closets, and a room that's an office with a bathroom attached. And on the 3rd floor, you have the master suite, a his and hers walk in closet…. I put your wedding dress in there, it's in a glass case with your shoes as well as your Nonna's clip. I found it on the floor. You'll see for yourself later. The master suite has a massive en suite bathroom, and across the hall is another bedroom with a closet and bathroom. I thought it could be Mila's, and if things go how I hope they do, when she's older, we could move her to the second floor. For now, though, those two dimwits are using those bedrooms when they're around." He kisses my palm a kiss.

I'm too stunned to speak. He found the clip…. A tear leaks out. I thought I lost it.

He continues, not realizing my turmoil over the clip I thought I lost three years ago.

"We also have a basement that I've turned into a big playroom/media room." Then he places a kiss on my head while Alexandr and Sergi chuckle. Knowing Damian is trying everything he can to keep us here, I turn around and glare at them, then look for Mila, who is currently playing on a rocking horse.

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