Page 38 of Bound To You

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I clear my throat. "Malyshka?"

Damian's breath hitches, hearing me call our daughter baby girl in Russian, something he's called me since I was thirteen.

Her head whips our way, and she notices her father instantly. Her eyes go wide and glossy before she lets out a huge squeal, and then shouts, "Papa," before running over to him, nearly tripping on the gray rug.

I quickly let go of his hand and step aside in time for her to throw herself at him, making him catch her. He lifts her up and holds her tight, and she starts to cry, squeezing his neck.

April stands beside me and grabs my hand, holding me tight as silent tears fall from our eyes. We both watch on as Damian's tears fill his cheeks, and for the first time since I ran, I feel guilt. I may have done it for her safety and freedom, but the guilt is still there. April squeezes my hand again, and I look at her. She shakes her head, knowing what I am feeling, so I give her a slight smile, and then look back at the father-daughter duo.

I tilt my head to the side when I see his eyes on me.

He mouths, “Thank you,” and I nod as a lump forms in my throat.

After Mila calms down, she squeezes his cheeks together and places a big kiss on his lips, causing him to chuckle, then she scrambles to show her daddy all her toys, including the brown bear he gave me years ago. He swallows hard and looks at me, and I just shrug and continue making breakfast, which, of course, is French toast.

We all sit down to eat. At the same time, April questions Damian while I silently laugh. Each time he looks my way, he has amusement in his eyes.

After breakfast, Damian and Mila go to the living room while April and I clean up. She keeps sending looks my way, but I don't know what to say. This is happening quicker than I'd like.

Once we're done, we head to the living room, where Damian drops a bomb on me, causing me to freeze.

"Come to New York with me. Come back home." He says it so sincerely. Mila looks at me, not really knowing what he means. I'm about to open my mouth when April beats me to it.

"You should go, even if it's just to see if it’ll work."

I whip my head her way. She's giving me an apologetic smile.

"I can't, I have a new job, and I just don't know if it's a good idea."

Damian isn’t deterred the rejection; he looks determined, and as he's about to make his case, most likely to try and bring Mila into the conversation, April saves his ass by butting in again.

"They would take you back in a heartbeat if return within two months, and you know it, hun. Gloria would encourage you as well, as would Adam and Bruce. I think you'll regret this if you don't do it, not just for Mila but also for yourself," she says softly.

"Please, malyshka, just give me a chance. Let me get to know our daughter and you again. If I so much as glance at another woman, I'll let you shoot me. I'll make sure our daughter doesn't go near either of our families, except for Alexandr, because he already loves her. And Sergi, since he's already blowing up my phone, wanting to talk to you about being the favorite uncle."

I laugh a little at that, tears filling my eyes.

He gets up and walks toward me, then holds both my hands in his.

"Please, we'll do counseling. Let me try before you write us off. I know why you left and kept her from me, but please let me try and fix us, and be a part of her life, please, baby."

He and April both look at me expectantly, while Mila just looks confused. I take a deep breath, turn my back to them, pacing slightly. They give me a moment they know I need. It must have taken a little bit longer to April's satisfaction because she decided now was the time to throw me under the bus.

"It's not like you have anything to lose, really. I mean, think of it this way: you’ll two months to see if he's still the cheating dirtbag he always was."

Damian growls at her, which makes her smirk at him, making him narrow his eyes at her.

"If he’s the same man he was, you can finally move on with someone else. It seems like your last sexual conquest is standing right in front of you."

Now it's my turn to glare at my best friend while she smirks at me. She's so the next person I kill!

Damian's jaw hits the floor in shock.

"Nobody?" he rasps, his eyes full of hope, and I just glare at him. He puts his hands up in surrender, and then a small smirk appears on his face, looking smug with himself.

"Seriously, now is not the time to be proud that you are my only, jackass," I growl, causing Mila to giggle as Damian puts his head down to hide his silent laughter. April just laughs out loud, making me huff and cross my arms over my chest. Damian looks at me again, his face sincere and serious.

"Malyshka, please."

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