Page 33 of Bound To You

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“For Mila,”I keep chanting.

"You have no right to be here, Victoria. She doesn't want you here, and I'm beginning to wonder fucking why!" my father shouts, my mother looks frail, and I don't like it. I told her to get help three years ago, why didn't she listen to me?

She narrows her eyes at my father before stating, "I have done a shitty job as her mother. I just want to make sure she's okay before I can finally feel at peace. You had no right lying to me when I told you I thought she was here. I was starting to think my daughter was dead," she sobs the last bit.

I have no idea how to react. I know she was struggling to be around me before I left. I always thought it was because of my father's treatment of me, but now I think she feels guilty. She hasn't treated me like her daughter since I was eight. She used to be amazing until the animosity built between my parents. Someone lied to them, and then someone cheated first because of said lie. I just don't know who. My mother, unfortunately, cheated with a psychopath as a twisted way to bring my father back home, but it didn't work. I used to pray for the mother I knew before the cheating and lying to come back. Still, unfortunately, her insecurities, jealousies, and bitterness took hold. I have had a feeling for a long time that Zia Emilia is at the heart of their relationship issues.

"What did you do to cause her not to want you to know about our granddaughter? Why did she run?"

My mother wipes away a single tear from her cheek. "I can't tell you that until I talk to her myself. She deserves that. I know I'm not the only one who caused her to run, don't forget about the mistress you thought you knocked up—Sofia knew! The woman came banging on the door of our family home, and Sofia heard everything from that tramp. And it wasn’t even just my issues and your cheating, don’t forget her so-called husband lied and cheated on her since she was eight, and also had a tramp accusing him of fathering her child. All this pain and hurt for your stupid alliance. She didn't deserve that!"

Fuck, my mother screams the last part then shoots to her feet. Tears run down her face while a few escape my eyes, and I quickly wipe them. I can see a part of my old mother in there, my protector, and my heart breaks. Everything she tried to keep hidden is finally starting to come out. My father's face pales while everyone else looks down in shame except for Mattia. He looks smug about the family dynamics right now, and because of what he put me through…. I won't forget what my mother did to me, but he victimized me because he saw my mother’s weakness and knew I was vulnerable.

Damian growls at my mother, and my heart stutters at the fact that he has another child.

Fuck him!

Just as I think that thought, he growls, "I have not fathered any children that are not with my wife, Victoria, so watch the insults and accusations. I will win my wife back, and she'll be where she belongs, by my side as my queen." My mother turns to look at him, hate, pain, and a little bit of hope in her eyes. I can't stand here listening anymore. Despite what my mother put me through, her pain is starting to bother me too much.

It's time I added myself to this party. I wonder what everyone would say once they realize I've been practicing my shooting since I left, not to mention the self-defense courses I’ve taken. I might die today, but at least I'll die fighting. I take a deep breath.

"Hello, Mother," I state coldly. Everyone in the room turns in shock when they hear my voice, but my eyes focus solely on her guard dog.




I stand here, leaning against the counter. I've been standing here for thirty minutes, listening to the back-and-forth between Victoria and Stefano. I thought about disappearing into my room after her accusations, which I know are warranted. Still, I didn't want to hear them in such detail. Then I heard in a cold voice, void of any emotion, and turned to my left.

"Hello, Mother."

Fuck, Sofia!

Everyone looks at her in shock. I should have known this would happen after the phone call. I exchange glances with my father, and he seems uneasy. My brother’s expression is the same as my father's. I go to take a step toward my wife as Victoria takes a step forward, gasping.

"Sofia," she cries out, which sounds so full of pain. Mattia stands up next to her; he has a glint in his eye that I don't like.

I go to take another step toward my wife and end up stopping in my tracks when her left-hand reaches behind her back, and she draws out a pistol.

What the fuck?

"Sofia, baby, what are you doing?" I asked calmly. She points the gun at Mattia's head, and her mother gasps in shock. Tears run down her face while my father, Stefano, and Alexandr straighten up, my father shielding my mother's body. Mattia goes for his gun when a shot is fired. Victoria screams while I get my gun out of my holster. With my father and brother, Stefano runs toward Victoria. He grabs her, pulling her away from Mattia and shielding her body. It looks like his protective instincts have finally kicked in, and they look at their daughter in shock. I look to see if she's been hit, then I turn to look at Mattia. He has one of his hands in the air while the other is holding his ear, where blood is dripping. She hit his fucking ear.

"Sofia, moya lyubov, look at me." When she doesn't, I plead, "Please," desperately, which gets her attention. She keeps a partial eye on Mattia while her mother and father stand there gaping.

Fucking Italian don, my ass.

"What are you doing, malyshka?" I ask carefully. She just smirks at me, and then looks at Mattia with such hatred. What happened to my innocent wife?

"Damian?" she asks, everyone tensing at her tone.

"Yes, malyshka?” I ask calmly while I feel anything but. I need to get that gun out of her hand!

"Let's go down memory lane, shall we?" Her voice is void of emotion, and I'm tense. I don't want to go down memory lane. She doesn't wait for me to answer her, though.

She starts talking before I can even protest.

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