Page 30 of Bound To You

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I then lift the final folder in my left hand with a stricken look on my face, and my father pales, clearly knowing what it is; it can't be anything else.

I place it on the side, and Stefano picks it up to read, "Divorce papers?"

He looks at me in shock. "She doesn't even want anything, just for you to sign these."

Stefano starts swearing up a storm, my brother drops his head while my mother sobs, and I've finally reached my limit for the day. My heart is torn to shreds, and it's my own doing.

I turn about to walk out before I turn back toward Stefano. "She doesn't want Victoria to know about Mila."

He looks at me in shock. "What? Not at all?"

I shake my head. "She made it perfectly clear; if Victoria finds out about Mila’s existence, then I have to travel here to see Mila instead of her meeting me in Kentucky." With that, I turn and walk down the stairs to the gym, hearing the men swear up a storm while my mother sobs. I need to hit something badly.

It's been about three hours since dropping the bomb on my family, and I haven't stopped hitting the bag except for a drink here and there. I'm fucking pissed, I'm sweating, and I'm panting, but I don't stop until I hear a throat being cleared. I turn and see my brother sitting on the weight bench.

"What?" I ask in a growl, placing my hands on my hips and heaving.

"Talk to me, brother; how are you doing?" He's trying to keep his voice low, knowing I'm a ticking time bomb.

"How am I doing? Well, let's see, I finally found my wife after three years of searching, only to find out I have a daughter—a daughter I can't even meet yet, but my brother has. My wife wants to divorce me and wants one quick, so quick I believe we may have missed a man in her life. A woman in the restaurant, who clearly hates my wife, acts just like Luna, but looks like Candice, decided to try and stir up shit as soon as I sat down, so the meeting started off fucking terrible. I've been told I can only see my daughter once a month if I sign paperwork, which, if I break, I lose my rights altogether. I don't give a fuck about the trust; I've already contacted our lawyer to set one up, so that's not an issue. She won't let our parents see their granddaughter, I said shit in the heat of the moment and fucked things up even more. She has a lawyer that's already knee-deep in our world, so I can't kill him without losing our alliances and starting a fucking war—and what else? Oh yeah, three years ago, just after she left, we found out Mindy gave both me and you chlamydia. You said, 'Sofia won't have it'. Yeah, you fucking dick, she had it and is lucky she didn't lose our daughter because of it," I heave, having had enough of this shitty fucking day.

Alexandr pales on the last one.

"Shit," he states. Yeah, shit, indeed. Seven days before the wedding, we decided to tag team Mindy and Candice together. At one point, Candice was sitting on Mindy's face after they stripped for us, while Alexandr was face-fucking her, and I was fucking Mindy with no rubber on. Yes, but in my mind, she was on birth control. We made sure she was on the shot, and my brother refused to fuck her without it, so he took her to our doctor. Candice was on the shot, too, even though she tried to say she didn't have it done or tried to say it had failed and she was pregnant. But I also wrapped up with her because I knew she fucked Stefano a couple of times too, and I didn't fancy sharing with my future father-in-law. But then, during our little foursome, I and my brother decided to swap places so I can come down Candice's throat, ensuring she actually swallowed it, and he came in Mindy's cunt. Two days later, I fucked Sofia in a restaurant bathroom from behind without a rubber because I knew we weren't going to see each other until the wedding. We were out to celebrate her birthday early because the mothers stated I couldn't see her until the actual day. Was that shitty of me? Yes, it was. Do I regret going bare with a mistress and then bare with my woman two days later? Celebrating a birthday, no less? Every fucking day! A week after the wedding, Mindy came to us in tears and said she had chlamydia, and she had also told Stefano. I freaked out thinking of Sofia, but my brother convinced me she would be fine—clearly not.

I wipe my face with a towel just as Stefano and my father come into the gym; they both look furious, and they're dragging a guard with them. What the fuck? Me and Alexandr look at each other with raised brows.

Alexandr is the first to say, "What the fuck is going on?"

Stefano is the one to answer. "It seems my wife is on her way here with her bodyguard. When she couldn't get a hold of me, she decided to contact one of her lovers. Francesco here decided to tell her exactly what was happening and that she has a granddaughter."

I growl loudly as I walk up to him and slam my fist into his jaw. He cries out, the pussy.

"What the fuck were you thinking, you piece of shit?" I state as he looks at us.

"I wanted to get the boss's wife to fuck me. According to some of the men, she hasn't fucked anyone in years, and I wanted to break that cycle. I don't know where the boss man got the idea that I was one of her lovers; I wish I was." He's either brave or a fucking idiot; I'm going to go with the latter because Stefano grabs his knife out of his boot. He looks pained and furious; obviously, he didn't realize Victoria stopped fucking around while he’d continued on.

He slices the guy's throat while heaving in rage. Yep, the dude was definitely an idiot.

I look at my brother. "I'm going to give Sofia a call. Fuck, she's going to be pissed."

I look back at Stefano. "When is she arriving?"

He looks at his watch, and then back at me. "In about thirty minutes. She'll be here at about 5:00. I think I need to have a talk with my wife."

I nod, then head upstairs to my suite. I quickly grab a shower, get dressed in sweats and a tight black V-t shirt, and grab my phone. I press her number and wait. She answers on the third ring.


"Hi, printsessa." I hear a hitch in her breath. It's good to know I still affect her like she affects me.

The line goes quiet, and I thought she had hung up until I hear, "Mama, can I color, please?" Now it's my breath that hitches. Fuck, that's my daughter. Tears sting my eyes. She sounds so sweet, and she calls her “mama” in Russian.

"Of course, malyshka, mamma is just on the phone. When I finish, I'll join you, okay? Aunt April will be here in a minute for homemade pizza night." Then I hear my daughter squeal in delight—the best sound in the world. Fuck, she called her baby girl in Russian; it hit me right in the chest. Sofia was always going to let Mila know her family, fuck. A lone tear runs down my face, and I don't even bother to wipe it, hanging my head.

I hear her clear her throat. "What can I do for you, Damian? Did you sign the paperwork?" she asks coldly, and I hold back a growl.

Like I'm actually going to sign them! I want my wife and my family back. I'm not signing shit. If anything, I'm going to make sure to get her pregnant again!

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