Page 6 of Say You're My Wife

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This is why I don’t ask what he does for a living, although even if I did, I doubt I’d get an honest answer. But I should start a conversation with him because I must ask about my house-sitting job. I need to know where I stand with it now that he’s arrived and the house isn’t empty anymore.

“Where are you going?” The moment it comes out of my mouth, it sounds rude and intrusive.

Judging by his raised eyebrow, he feels the same way.

“Sorry. Not my business.”

“The Three Cardinals.”

“That sounds nice.” I toy with the hem of my dress. “Is it a club?”

“A hotel.”

I nod. “Sweet.” I start picking at the ends of my hair. “About my car…”

“What about it?”

“I parked at the curb. It was perfectly legal.” I watch him, hoping he’ll ask questions, show me he’s interested in what happened after I left the apartment.

When all I get is a gaze over the rim of his glass, I exhale deeply and continue. “They towed my car so that the limo could park in its place.”

“That’s terrible. Did you tell the towing people you were just leaving?”

“I did. I mean, I tried. But my shoes were upstairs. I went back for them, but my key card doesn’t work after eleven, so I couldn’t get in. Then my mom called, the guy I’m trying not to date called, then my mom again, and while I was explaining why I was so late coming home from the baby shower, I was also arguing with the men towing the car.”

“The guy you’re trying not to date,” Corrado repeats. “That is one of the gentlest ways I’ve ever heard someone refer to a guy they dumped.”

“I haven’t dumped him. We haven’t even dated.”

“But he thinks you dated,” Corrado concludes.

“It’s complicated.” I wish I hadn’t said anything. “Can we get back to my car?”

Corrado takes a moment, then says, “Not yet.” He sips his drink, hazel eyes crinkling at the corners, telling me how much he’s enjoying this. “So he’s not your boyfriend?”

“He’s…someone who keeps asking me out after we went out two times. I’m avoiding him.”

“Why don’t you tell him to get lost?”

“Because I can’t.”

“Is it a can’t like you can’t drink, or is it you won’t?”

“He won’t take it well.” Tino would get mad for sure. Avoiding him is best.

Corrado taps his glass. “Does he have a name?”

His tone and the way he tried to sound innocent reminds me of someone near and dear to me. My twin, who’s serving time because of me. I shake my head.

“You don’t have to tell me,” Corrado says. “That’s your business.”

I change the subject. “How about you? Any ladies waiting for you at the hotel?”

“I hope not.”

His answer makes me smile. “Are you single?” flies out my mouth. It’s followed by an unexpected fluttering in my heart as I anticipate this man’s answer. I can’t take it back, so I just swallow.

“I’m always single,” he says after a while.

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