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A loud but distant boom, like a small explosion, made Serval frown. He looked back then to the combot that remained behind.

“Is that you?” He asked, receiving a bounce in return. “What are you doing?”

The little robot couldn’t answer, of course, but it did a cute little dance in the air that he took to mean she was having fun. Sophie was causing chaos with just the combots.

“Have you contacted the authorities?” Serval asked.

Side to side – no.

“Do you know how?”

Side to side.

Serval frowned. “Alright. Which way did Korvii go?”

The combot led him forward and he chased after it. He came across one other body, laying face down without a throat, before he came to a room that had been forced open. He looked inside to see Korvii helping up Hela who looked like she had been in a rough fight. Her once neat braid was now a tangled mess and she had multiple bruises and marks on her.

But the three males surrounding her, bleeding out and practically eviscerated, looked like they had a much worse time.

“I didn’t tell them anything,” she was promising fiercely as Korvii took her weight on his shoulder. “I don’t think they know who we are – besides some nosy interlopers. They saw us outside on cams and took us in to figure out what we wanted. But I don’t think they heard what we were saying. They thought since I’m a female, they’d be able to break me.”

“Ha!” Korvii smiled, viciously proud, blood staining his face. “As if! You are a warrior among warriors, vi adassi! As if they’d ever be able to break you.”

“Korvii,” Serval interjected. “How do you get in touch with your contact? Let Sophie know so she can comm them and get them here.”

“Oh, yeah! Of course!” Korvii smiled at Lucky. “Stora vacarana, Sophie. Thank you, for bringing me here. Are you by your comms?”

“Are you alright?” Serval asked, approaching Hela as she stood straight and Korvii walked through telling Sophie how to find his contact and what to say.

She nodded, smiling gently. “Yes. Thanks to your mate. They were… overwhelming me. Just at the end. Might have gotten control of me if she hadn’t started breaking things.”

“What did she do?”

“She led half of them away, chasing after her combots. The other bots she’s been using to strike people in the face or break equipment. Vicious little thing, your mate.” She looked so pleased by it. “A warrior’s most powerful weapon is creativity.”

“Let’s not break open domini philosophy right now. We need to get out of here.” He needed to get back to his mate. He liked telling the stories, not being part of them.

And the apology he owed her was just getting bigger.

He went to the door and checked outside, but he didn’t see anything. A distant pop – disturbingly loud – made him think that Sophie was drawing everyone away from them. Korvii finished with Sophie and she made Lucky bounce, indicating that she had been successful in her comm attempt.

“Let’s get going then,” Korvii said, touching Hela’s back gently. “Are you alright to run?”

“Ha,” she tossed her hair. “There hasn’t been an enemy yet that can break me down that far. Serval, can you keep up?”

He groaned, recognizing that look in their eyes. “Not the time for competition, you two.”

“Always a good time for competition,” Korvii laughed, smacking him on the shoulder. “That’s the whole basis of our friendship!”


It took an oddly long time for Korvii’s words to penetrate.

Their friendship.

He considered them… friends?

“I thought you hated me,” Serval blurted, too stunned to cover up his immediate reaction.

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