Page 81 of Taming of a Rebel

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“Seems like she’s almost there already.” Tori stepped forward and turned to her side so Miranda could reach easier.

Miranda tried to keep her hands away from Tori’s body as she slid the half-asleep toddler terror from Tori’s grasp into her own. But she didn’t manage at all. The backs of her fingers moved against Tori’s side, the heat from her skin pushing through her shirt. The scent of her soap filling Miranda’s senses. She sucked in a deeper breath, telling herself she wouldn’t regret it.

Tori’s arm got caught in the circle of Miranda’s as she pulled back, and Tori let out a little nervous chuckle as she tried to wiggle loose. But Miranda didn’t want to let her go. Not yet. She stepped in closer and pulled her lower lip between her teeth. She looked directly into Tori’s baby blue eyes when she transferred Rebel’s weight to her own body.

When she had Rebel in her arms, Miranda stayed as close to Tori as possible. She balanced Rebel on her hip and looked Tori over once more. Her soft curves, her innocent face, her sweet lips that were so damn kissable. Miranda had made the mistake of not going after what she wanted. Not in the right way at least. She was too late to realize exactly who Tori was to her.

Coming to her senses, Miranda stepped away, her heel clacking loudly on the floor. She didn’t dare look at Haylee. She didn’t dare give up any more time with Tori because she knew this was going to be the last moment they ever shared. She would make sure that Tori had every chance to get what she wanted in the end. A soulmate. And that wasn’t Miranda.

“I’ll see you around, Tori.” Miranda tried to smile, but it didn’t even reach her lips. She said nothing to Haylee as she put her back to them. Now it was time to protect herself, to draw herself back together and rebuild what she’d broken.

Miranda grabbed her cart with one hand and steered it around the couple. With her back to them, Miranda blinked away her tears and buried her face in Rebel’s hair. She could still smell Tori lingering there if she tried hard enough. Miranda went down the next aisle and headed straight for the register. She couldn’t stay in the store with those two any longer. She had to escape.

When she had Rebel strapped into her seat and was sitting in her car, she pressed her forehead to the steering wheel as she was racked with guilt. What had she done? She’d ruined everything she’d had going for her. All for what? Rebel? She didn’t even know if she could get custody yet or if Tierney would swoop back in and take Rebel away from her. But she didn’t want to go through that alone. She needed Tori to walk side-by-side with her in those ups and downs.

Miranda let out a shuddering breath and tried to pull herself together. She didn’t have another choice. She’d pushed Tori away and made her choice. Life didn’t give second chances. Backing out of the parking spot, Miranda headed for home with only one thought running through her mind.

Tori was her soulmate.


Tori’s hands shook as she placed the dessert items onto the conveyor belt at the checkout. Haylee’s face had taken on a contemplative look, but all Tori wanted to do was forget running into Miranda and Rebel. Of all the times to see them out shopping again. But the interaction had been so different from that first time. She smiled as she pulled the last item from the basket.

She hadn’t lied about wishing Rebel were her own child, but she hadn’t meant for it to slip out the way it did, or at all, especially on her date with Haylee.

Despite what Miranda said, Siena had been far more on the money. Haylee may not be a lot older. Eighteen months hardly counted. And she definitely wasn’t tall, dark, and handsome, but she was absolutely amazing.

Tori looked up and smiled at Haylee, making the other woman’s cheeks pink just a little.


“Are you okay?” Tori reached out and gently brushed her fingertips along Haylee’s forearm. Tori watched as Haylee’s smile spread with the length of her stroke against her skin.

“Yeah.” Haylee nodded, the strange air between them crackling just a little.

“Good. I can’t wait to make you these when we get home.” Tori bounced lightly on the balls of her feet and turned to the cashier who smiled shyly and told her the total.

“Oh, I should pay for this.” Haylee pulled out her wallet, but Tori waved it away.

“Don’t be silly, you got dinner, and I asked you out.”

“Um actually, your ex-wife did that for you.” Haylee laughed, and Tori caught the wide eyes and the now amused smile of the cashier.

“Okay, that’s true.” Tori laughed, swiped her card and grabbed up the bag of groceries. “But really, who’s going to know me better than my ex-wife?”

Haylee’s smile stretched wider, and Tori hoped that she understood what she was saying, without having to say Miranda’s name again.

Haylee threaded her fingers with Tori’s as they stepped out of the grocery store. There was a pretty good chance the encounter hadn’t entirely ruined Tori and Haylee’s date after all.

The drive went by too quickly for Tori’s liking, though she didn’t understand why.

They chatted, and it was easy. Almost as though Tori and Haylee had known each other for years, not days. Like old friends.

Tori swallowed the lump in her throat at the thought as she pulled the keys from the ignition and got out, racing to Haylee’s door to open it for her.

No, not friends. More than friends. Haylee was easy to be around, and she was damn sexy.

“Come on, let’s get dessert cooking.” Tori smiled with fake coyness, ensuring Haylee understood the innuendo.

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