Page 43 of Taming of a Rebel

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Once they were in the parking lot, Tori was glad to see that Harley kept her grip on Rebel’s hand tight as they walked together toward their vehicles. She opened the door to let Harley in before shutting it while Miranda helped Rebel into her seat. Alone, Tori snagged Miranda’s hand. She was surprised when Miranda didn’t instantly pull back.

“Do you have a minute?” Tori’s voice wavered. She hated that. Why was this so hard? They definitely should have talked more before just jumping into the sack together. It was as though a cloud of fog surrounded her when she drew close to Miranda, as though logic flew out of the window and she was driven entirely by instinct and emotions.

“I’m on call tonight.” Miranda looked at her, without truly meeting her eyes.

What the hell? Okay, Tori couldn’t expect Miranda to suddenly be a different person. She nodded as if understanding, but that still didn’t answer her question. “So you can or can’t talk?”

“I have a minute.” Miranda frowned. “It’s been a really busy week, I’m sorry.”

The temptation to ask all about it was there, but Tori needed to play it selfish in this moment. She wasn’t Miranda’s life coach. They’d had sex, and Tori really needed some kind of answer instead of the quiet resolve of whatever this was between them. “Do you maybe want to do a playdate again? I guess…let me say that again. Do you want to get together without the kids around?”

Miranda’s lips parted, surprise etching into her face. Her honeyed eyes locked on Tori’s now, wide with a mix of emotions swimming through them. She dropped her gaze to their still-joined hands and then dragged her eyes up Tori’s body. It was as if they were back on that couch, in that bed, naked together. Tori tried to hold back the shudder, but she didn’t quite manage it.

“No.” Her answer was so simple, said without the least bit of emotion, and it was unnerving to Tori.

What did that mean? Had she been used? She loosened her grip on Miranda’s fingers, letting them drop from her grasp. “Oh.”

“I’m not looking for a relationship, Tori. I’m sorry if I gave you any other impression.”

She hadn’t. Not really. They’d talked about the very fact that Miranda didn’t believe in soulmates. But did that mean all relationships were off the table? Apparently. What a lonely life to live. “No, I just meant…” What the hell had she meant? Suddenly her resolve had vanished and she’d been tossed into the unknown. Tori inwardly groaned, the soundtrack from Frozen 2 echoing through her brain. “I just meant that we could get together, that’s all.”

“For what purpose?” Miranda crossed her arms, pressing her breasts up against that V, and Tori had to rip her gaze from her freckled skin.

Her heart hammered so loud that she swore Miranda would be able to hear it. “To talk.”

Miranda’s jaw tightened. She relaxed her stance and stepped in closer, lowering her voice so no one else could overhear them. “It was one night, Tori.”

“I—I know.” Did she, though? She really wanted it to be more than one night. Didn’t Miranda want the same?

“I told you that I don’t believe in soulmates.” Miranda’s breath was hot against her neck and her ear as she whispered.

Tori had to close her eyes, not just against the onslaught of emotions but against the physical sensations running through her. Miranda turned her head, brushing their cheeks together. She clasped Tori’s arm lightly.

“I know you don’t,” Tori murmured. “I didn’t say anything about soulmates. But the other night…” Tori trailed off. The other night what? Why was she suddenly at such a loss for words? She was better than this. “The other night was amazing.”

Miranda flushed, her cheeks brightening with a pink undertone to them. “It was good.”

“I guess I was just wondering if it was going to happen again. We haven’t really talked about it.” Tori’s heart was at a gallop. This was forward even for her.

Miranda’s breath hitched. She pulled away slightly, looking Tori directly in the eye. Her face fell when she said, “No. It’s not going to happen again.”

“Why not?” Tori grabbed her hand again, needing to know.

“Because I don’t believe in soulmates and you do. I’m not the woman for you.” Miranda pulled her lip between her teeth, her gaze definitely dropping to Tori’s mouth before flicking back up.

“That. That right there. What was that?”

“Good memories.” Miranda stepped away. “I’m sorry if I implied anything else. I didn’t mean to. But one night is all this ever was. I don’t regret it, and I hope you don’t either.”


“I’ll see you around, Tori.” Miranda stepped confidently to her car and got in.

Tori stood, too stunned for words. A cold misty rain fell on her, wetting her face and lashes. It was rare that the Portland weather suited her mood. She stayed next to her car as Miranda backed out of the parking spot and drove off. What was she supposed to do with that? If Miranda was going to be so cold after an amazing night, then she was probably right to back off.

Hating herself for giving in to temptation when it presented itself, Tori got into her car and let out a breath. Harley chattered in the back about something to do with school that day, but she struggled to pay a lick of attention to it.

“You didn’t have to come over.” Tori smiled nonetheless.

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