Page 3 of Taming of a Rebel

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“I’ve got to ask.” Siena leaned in, lowering her voice. “Were you trying to meet the hot mom in the grocery store?”

“I’m not that desperate.” Tori rolled her eyes, her cheeks burning again.

“But you are still determined to find your soulmate by your thirtieth birthday, right?”

Tori sighed. She regretted telling Siena that in a drunken stupor one night. Siena had teased her over the last two years for it, but a girl had to have hope, right? “I know it might seem crazy, but it really isn’t. I just want to fall in love.”

“I know.” Siena smiled and reached across the table to squeeze Tori’s hand, ruffling any upset she had caused. “You’ll find her. I’m just sorry I wasn’t the one.”

“I’m not.” Tori grinned broadly. “I found my best friend.”

Harley crawled into Tori’s lap with a giggle, putting her hands around the coffee mug, pretending to drink it.

“And we wouldn’t have this tornado if we hadn’t!” Tori dug her fingers into Harley’s sides to tickle her.

“True, very true.” Siena stood up, kissed Harley on top of her head, and took the now-empty cups to the sink.

“Can we go now, Mommy?”

“Sure can, Pumpkin.”

“I’m not a pumpkin! I’m Batman!”

“Fair enough, though I really think you’re my little Harley Quinn.” Tori tousled Harley’s hair, remembering Rebel’s wild locks and how Tori had instinctively wanted to do the same to her. Sure, the woman had been hot, super hot. But why had the interaction remained lodged inside of her even after debriefing with Siena?

“Mommy?” Harley’s hands cupped Tori’s cheeks, her eyes staring intently.

“Yeah, sorry.” Tori laughed and stood up. “Let’s get going.”

“Don’t forget about Ms. Miranda Priestly!” Siena teased. “I bet you will have lots of wild dreams about her tonight.”

“Oh, shut up.” But Tori’s cheeks were back to burning. “You go dream about her.”

“Nah, I’m much more into Andy before she turns all fancy.”

“You would be.” Tori shook her head. “You’ll pick Harley up Friday, right?”

“Yeah. See you then, baby.” Siena opened her arms so Harley could run into them. “You be good for Mommy.”

“Always.” Harley giggled and ran toward the car.

Siena gently pulled Tori’s arm to stop her. “It’ll happen, Tori. But maybe you need to let it happen naturally instead of trying to force it, you know? Wanting something so badly can blind you to reality, and I want you to find someone perfect for you.”

Tori cocked her head and looked at Siena. There was something Siena wasn’t saying, something that pulled the air between them tight with tension.

“Thanks. And I know. I’ve just got to let myself go with the flow.”

“You’re the only one who put that deadline on yourself, you know.”

“I know. And I guess it’s just getting to me more as the time looms.” Tori rolled her eyes to make her point and to ease Siena’s obvious worry.

“You’ve got almost a whole year. Don’t waste it worrying about finding the elusive true love. Promise?”

“I promise.” The lie easily fell from her lips.


“You can’t leave me with this kid much longer.” Miranda Hart closed her eyes as soon as she was safely in her car with the Bluetooth on and Rebel strapped into her seat after a brief battle to get her arms through the straps. Rebel had escaped from her three times while in the store. It had been a disaster, and Miranda had left with the bare essentials she had needed, not what she’d initially gone in to get.

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