Page 12 of Taming of a Rebel

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Tori clenched her jaw tightly. What kind of parent didn’t have clothes for their child? Especially one who could manage to look like that every day. “I don’t think—”

“She’s had to come down with clothes more than once because of accidents. The situation isn’t exactly ideal, and if it’s one less thing she has to worry about, then I think that’ll benefit Rebel.”

“Ulterior motive?” Tori lifted her eyebrows until the top of her forehead pulled almost painfully. Aili did have a way to get her every time, and hitting her with the kid card was the way to go. Her chest tightened, and her curiosity piqued. What situation was Aili talking about? Did she assume Tori already knew?

“Absolutely none,” Aili said, though Tori could have almost sworn the corners of her mouth twitched up a little. “I think she would be the best candidate for Harley’s old clothes, especially if you have any winter ones since we’re headed straight for the cold months. But if you’re too chicken shit to offer them, then that’s your loss.”

Tori knew exactly what her friend was doing. She also knew she would never back down from a challenge, and Aili had deftly handed her one. Especially one she would have encouraged any of her clients to take up and push past their fear. Sometimes she hated when she had to take her own sage advice.

But was it fear? She wasn’t afraid of Miranda.

Sure, the woman was intimidating and cold, and rude, and entirely gorgeous. But what was there to fear? It wasn’t like she had a chance with a woman like that, even if she had wanted to. Which she didn’t. Absolutely not. Even if the mere idea of combining her and Rebel into her small family made the corner of her own lips twitch up. But it was never going to happen. Gorgeous did not mean compatible.

“You’re thinking about her again, aren’t you?”

“About who?” Tori’s cheeks burned.

Aili caught Tori’s eyes with that knowing look.

“Fine, yes, I was thinking about her.” She hated this. A crush was a crush, and she should just accept it. Then she should move on. Pretty things were nice to look at, and Miranda came with a whole personality that had rubbed Tori wrong since the moment they’d met. And again, why wouldn’t she just buy Rebel clothes? She obviously could afford it.

“Excellent,” Aili said, turning once again to her computer screen, that sneaky grin on her face. It infuriated Tori. For someone so obsessed with work, how did Aili know exactly what Tori was thinking about in relation to entirely unprofessional things?

“Right, I’ll just bring the bags in.”

“You should ask her first.” Aili pinned Tori with a look. “That way if she doesn’t want them, they’re not just sitting in my office for years until I yell at you to get them out.”

Tori sighed heavily. “Fine. Challenge accepted.”

“Challenge accepted?” Aili looked amused.

“Yes. I’ll talk to the icy beauty queen and ask if she needs help. Though I’m betting this will be a disaster.”

“But a fun one to watch!” Aili pointed at the camera feed and the car pulling into the parking lot.

“I don’t like you some days.”

“You keep saying that, but I don’t believe you! Now, get! I have work to do.”

“Fine. Fine.” Tori stepped out into the hall, her stomach a mess of knots. “I’ll ask her.”

“You do that.” Aili’s voice was far too singsong for Tori’s liking. The it’s a trap! refrain echoed through her mind.

She was completely distracted by how to approach Miranda. Until she stepped out into the parking lot. And saw Miranda. Or more accurately, she saw Miranda’s shapely ass sticking out of the back seat of her car as she leaned inside. She even gave a small wiggle. Tori bit her lip, but the small groan escaped anyway. Thankfully she was far enough away that Miranda didn’t hear her—she hoped. And far enough away from the cameras that she knew Aili was fastidiously watching.

Letting her smile settle on her face, Tori pushed her shoulders back and walked toward the car. She could do this. She could ask a question, offer a gift, and get out unscathed by that icy stare.

As she got there, Miranda’s top half appeared from the car, a wriggling and giggling Rebel in her arms.

“You’re such a wriggle monkey.” Miranda chuckled as her fingers tickled Rebel’s side while she popped Rebel on her hip.

Tori watched, the image playing far too easily into her previous unchecked thoughts. Rebel saw her and waved erratically. The movement made Miranda turn, and for a moment, she stared at Tori, honeyed eyes meeting Tori’s in an intense stare. She would never get over that look.

Rebel wriggled again, and Miranda pulled her eyes from Tori. The spell broke, but Tori still couldn’t manage to find her words again. Where had they gone? She was back to watching Rebel dig her chubby hands right into the V of Miranda’s shirt, no doubt looking for boob milk. Harley did the same thing for years after she was weaned.

What the hell was wrong with her? She had to get over this crush on a woman who clearly wanted nothing to do with her.

Tori nodded. She could do this. She had attractive clients and had spoken to women just as gorgeous as Miranda. Not lately, but that was hardly the point. The point was, it was a fantastic day. A rare sunshine moment, and she wouldn’t hesitate to take every opportunity to smile.

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