Page 113 of Taming of a Rebel

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Miranda bit back a chuckle, wondering if she had given the same reaction to Tori when it had first been suggested to her.

Honesty. I have to be open and honest.

“Look, parenting is hard, especially if you’re trying to do it alone. I didn’t understand that before, not really. But no one should have to do it alone. And this is a way I can be there for you and for Rebel.”

Tierney’s sneer dimmed a little, and Miranda tried to process what was going on inside her sister’s head.

“I want to help you and Rebel find the stability you both need and deserve.”

“Me?” Tierney cocked her head.

“Yes.” Miranda reached over and placed a hand over Tierney’s, gave a quick squeeze, and then returned it to her lap. “If you need to go on a date, or to go away to see if he’s the one, then you can. You and Rebel will always have a place with me. She won’t have her home or routine disrupted, and you can be her parent, knowing you have backup.”

“This sounds like you’re trying to control me.”

“I’m not, Tierney. I promise. You’re free to have your own place if you want, but I think Rebel needs to remain in my care until you settle down.” That’s really what this was about, wasn’t it? Tierney needed to calm her life down before Miranda would allow her to have Rebel full time.

“Settle down?”

Miranda bit her tongue. “That was a poor choice of words. We all have some learning to do, so let’s do it together. But Rebel needs to be our priority. I want you to be a part of her life, as much as possible.”

Tierney blew out a breath. “Since when do you believe in the one?”

Miranda couldn’t tell if the roughness in her words was from a scoff or a choked hope.

“Since I met Tori.” Miranda picked up her fork. She scooped up some of the curry but halfway to her lips she knew she had to say this last bit before she could move the evening on. “It’s up to you. I will always be here to help you and Rebel. It’s just an option that I thought might make things a little easier. In the end, I’ll support whatever you want to do so long as Rebel’s best interest is the priority.”

The silence slowly disappeared under the sound of utensils hitting crockery, eating, and everyday banal conversation.

As far as things went, Miranda couldn’t have hoped for much more. After they’d cleaned up, Miranda was at the door, ready to head out and get Rebel when Tierney stopped her.

“How would it work?” That babyish tone Tierney had was nearly gone.

“How would what work?” Miranda stilled, wanting to give her full attention to her sister.

“Me living with you.”

Miranda stilled. “Come outside, let’s talk about it.”

“Sure.” Tierney grabbed her jacket.

Miranda sat on the bench on the front porch, letting the chill in the night air hit her fingers and cheeks. “I think Rebel should continue to live with me, for now. I think you need to prove to me and her that you’re able to take care of her, but more than that, I think you need to prove it to yourself.”

“I miss my baby.”

“I know you do.” Miranda gave a sad smile and covered Tierney’s knee with her hand briefly. “I want you to have the best relationship possible with Rebel. I just think you need some support to do that. Right now, that is.”

Tierney nodded, silent tears rolling down her face. Her breath shuddered, and she couldn’t look Miranda in the eye, as if to do that would be too much. “You don’t want to take my baby away?”

“No.” Miranda did something she never thought she would. She reached around Tierney and pulled her in, tightening her arms in a hug. “No, I don’t want to take her away. I want to help you so that you can raise her like you want to.”

Tierney sobbed. “Okay.”

“We got this. Together. Okay?”

“Yeah. Okay.” Tierney hugged her back.

Miranda’s eyes were wet as she closed them, holding her sister tightly. She never thought the night would go like this. She never thought they could work together to raise Rebel.

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