Page 100 of Taming of a Rebel

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Tori sighed. She’d wear it long enough for them to drop off Harley and then she’d take it off. Giving a patented smile, Tori pulled the eye mask over her head and put it in place. “All right. Now what?”

She could hear the muffled sounds of people moving and walking and feel Harley’s hand in hers. It was a slow walk out of the apartment with Harley’s stuff, her drink, and the stairs. Aili carefully walked with her down them while Siena got Harley in her seat and settled. Tori didn’t understand why she couldn’t just put the mask on once she was in the car, but this was Harley’s game, and so she would play by Harley’s rules.

Aili helped her into the front passenger seat, and once everyone was inside and buckled up, Siena started driving. “Aili, would you text Gram and let her know we’re on our way.”


Tori frowned. She tried to figure out which direction they were going, but she was hopeless with her eyes still covered. Giving in, she rested and let them take her wherever they were going. Harley chattered in the back with Aili, glad to have someone sitting with her.

Siena found Tori’s hand and gave her a tight squeeze. It was beyond comforting for what Tori was sure was going to be a wild night of experiences she wasn’t ready for.

“Are you ready for this?”

“For what exactly?” Tori tried again, a fleeting hope that she might figure at least one thing out. She’d wanted to spend her birthday with Miranda, but Miranda hadn’t mentioned anything about doing something for her day. Then again, she’d completely forgotten Rebel’s birthday in the drama of her life. Tori shouldn’t have expected they would be together for hers.

“For your surprise.” Siena teased.

“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for a surprise.” She didn’t lie. She hated surprises. Moreover, she hated the fuss and expectations that came with surprises.

“You’re ready for this one. Trust me.”

Tori couldn’t tell what that tone was in Siena’s voice. She’d heard it before, but it was rare. Letting the sense of anticipation fill her, Tori stayed still. They drove for what felt like hours, but since she couldn’t look at the clock, she had no idea how long it was. But it was probably only twenty or thirty minutes.

The tires crunched over gravel as Siena slowed down and pulled to a stop. “All right, there’s a surprise for you here, so we’re going to need you to get out, but keep the blindfold on.”

“At Gram’s?” Tori hadn’t thought this would happen.

“Just…go with it, T. Harley wanted to do this for you, okay? So we’re going to let her stay here for this part.” Siena’s hand was on hers again. Even through their separation and divorce, Tori had always trusted her. So she wouldn’t put that to the test now.

“Yeah, sure.” She stayed put while everyone else got out and then waited as they brought her out of the car and led her slowly forward. Grass, wet and soggy, padded her shoes as they walked slowly, one foot in front of the other. She had to be careful, even with Aili and Siena on either side of her.

But they didn’t go inside. Confused, Tori stayed silent as she followed along with whatever game this was. The ground moved from grass to gravel to stone. Siena had never gotten this elaborate with her gifts before, and neither had Harley. It was odd, but also endearing, and Tori savored every moment of it.

“Okay, you just stay right here. Don’t move.” Siena was close to her, her breath brushing Tori’s neck and shoulder.

Harley clasped onto Tori’s legs and gave her a huge hug. “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too, Pumpkin.” Tori’s eyes watered under the mask, and she didn’t resist the urge to reach up and wipe them.

They left, the sound of shoes fading. Tori stood, breathing deeply the fresh scents of spring. Flowers bloomed, which said so much to her about life, and it was finally a nice, beautiful day that didn’t involve rain. Those were rare in Portland in the spring, but she was thrilled to have it, especially since her birthday gift from Harley involved being outside.

Footsteps startled her. Tori closed her eyes to focus her attention on them. It was only one set of footsteps, unlike when everyone had left. She dragged in a deep breath and held still. She wished she could see what was going on, but she was left completely in the dark—literally.

“Hello?” Tori called, wondering if whoever it was would answer, though she doubted it.

A hand grasped her elbow, thin fingers curling around in a tight, firm grip. She smiled, instantly knowing who it was. Warmth filled her chest, comfort, and that excitement she’d been longing for was right back where she wanted it to be. This was the one thing she had wanted for her special day.

“Are you my surprise?” Tori asked.

“In a way,” Miranda answered with a kiss to Tori’s cheek.

Tori reached up to take the mask off, but Miranda pushed her hand to the side. “Leave it on.”

“So you’re not my surprise?” She was confused now. She just wished someone would give her a straight answer already.

“For once in your life, Tori, don’t think you need to give a response. I don’t want you to say anything unless you really feel like you need to. Okay?”

Oh, that commanding tone did things to Tori’s insides. The power, the control, the pure desire dripping from each of Miranda’s words that would put Tori right in her place. She had to squeeze her legs together to keep herself from falling at Miranda’s feet and worshiping her.

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