Page 76 of Savage Devotion

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He leans back in his chair, an accusatory sneer on his face. “You don’t deserve to be the head of this Family. Not when you’re more interested in harboring property of The Brotherhood, playing house with some pretty little piece of ass, than doing what needs to be done.”

I bristle at the insult, my hands clenching into fists beneath the table. But before I can retort, Nat speaks up, her voice dripping with anger.

“You fucking asshole,” Nat spits, her eyes burning with fury. “This isn’t about Alexis, and you know it. You’ve been gunning for the Don position since Dad was alive. You can’t stand knowing that the title passed to Damian over you.”

Uncle Vinny’s jaw tightens, the muscles in his cheek twitching. “Don’t be naive, Natalia. This is about the survival of our Family. Damian’s soft heart is a liability we can’t afford.”

He leans forward, his gaze boring into mine. “The Iacopelli Family needs a strong leader, one who isn’t distracted by petty concerns and personal attachments. It’s time for a change, Damian. And if you can’t make the tough decisions, then you need to step aside.”

I let out a harsh laugh. “And you think that’s you? You couldn’t even get this title when Dad died. What makes you think I would step aside?” I can feel my temper flaring as Uncle Vinny’s words sink in. “I’ve spent the last fifteen years pouring every last bit of myself into this Family, making sure it's the best damn crime syndicate this city has ever seen.”

Leaning forward, my voice drops to a low and dangerous tone. “Well, you can forget it, Vincente. This family is mine, and I’ll be damned if I let you or anyone else take it from me.”

“You arrogant bastard,” Nat snarls, her body tense and ready to pounce. “Damian has done more to strengthen this Family than you ever could. You’re just jealous that he has what you never will—the respect and loyalty of those who truly matter.”

Uncle Vinny ignores Nat’s outburst, casually sipping his wine as he fixes me with a cool, calculating gaze. “You know, after meeting your… Maria, I decided to do a little digging. And do you know what I found?”

I feel a weight settle in the pit of my stomach, my jaw tightening in anticipation of my uncle’s next words.

“The real Maria hasn’t been to Chicago in ages,” Uncle Vinny continues, a hint of amusement in his voice. “In fact, she hasn’t seen or talked to you or Natalia in years.”

The implication hangs heavily in the air, and I know at that moment that this meeting was a trap. I exchange a tense glance with Nat, both of us realizing the gravity of our situation.

Nat moves to stand, her expression grim. “I need to make a call,” she says, her voice tight.

But Vinny’s grin widens, a predatory gleam in his eyes. “I don’t think Edo will be able to get to the phone right now, my dear.”

My blood runs cold at my uncle’s words, my heart beating rapidly. The implication is clear—Edo has been harmed, or worse. Beside me, Nat pulls out her phone, her fingers trembling slightly as she dials Edo’s number.

The phone rings, once, twice, three times… but there’s no answer. Nat’s eyes widen in horror as she meets my gaze, the unspoken fear hanging between us.

Across the table, Vinny begins to laugh, a cruel, mocking sound that sets my teeth on edge. The older man casually picks up his fork, slicing into the veal scallopini that has just been delivered, a contemplative look on his face.

“You might want to run home, Natalia,” Vinny says, his voice laced with amusement. “I think you’ll find a surprise waiting for you.”

The blood drains from my face as the implication sinks in. Something has happened at the house—something that Vinny has orchestrated—and the thought of what we might find there fills me with a bone-deep dread.

Nat is already on her feet, her face a mask of barely contained panic. “Damian, we have to go. Now.”

But I hold up a hand, my gaze locked onto Vinny’s. “No,” I say, my voice trembling with the effort to maintain my composure. “We stay. I’m not going to play your game, Vincente. Not this time.”

Vinny’s brows rise in mock surprise. “Oh? And what do you propose we do instead, Damian? Shall we have a nice, civilized discussion over our meal?” He takes another bite of his veal, his expression one of feigned innocence.

My hands clench into fists, my nails biting into the flesh of my palms. “What have you done, Vincente?” I growl, the words barely audible over the pounding of my heart.

Vinny simply smiles, his eyes gleaming with a dangerous light. “Why don’t you go and see for yourself, Damian? I’m sure the answer will be… enlightening.”

The tension in the air is palpable, and I know I’m running out of options. Whatever has happened at the house, I can’t ignore it. Alexis’s safety, and the safety of my people, is on the line.

We rush back to the mansion, a growing sense of dread weighing on us with each passing second. As we approach the property, the scene that greets us is nothing short of horrific. Nat cries out in horror.

Broken glass and debris litter the ground, the once-grand entrance marred by the evidence of a violent confrontation. My stomach twists as I catch the sight of the lifeless bodies of my men scattered across the foyer, blood staining the pristine floors.

Bile rises in my throat as the full weight of what has happened sinks in. This isn’t just a random attack by The Brotherhood—it’s a calculated, orchestrated strike, one that has Vinny’s fingerprints all over it.

The realization hits me like a punch to the gut. Vinny had known from the moment he laid eyes on Alexis that she wasn’t “Maria”.

Rage boils up in me, a white-hot fury that threatens to consume me. I have to fight the overwhelming urge to march right back to Basil and Olive and put a bullet between Vinny’s eyes. This is no longer just about protecting Alexis—it’s about making my uncle pay for his callous disregard for human life, for his willingness to sacrifice an innocent woman to further his own twisted agenda.

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