Page 4 of Savage Devotion

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I want to scream at him and tell him I’m here to surprise him for our anniversary, but I’m incapable of saying anything, only staring at them in horror.

Can they hear the sound of my heart breaking? I know I can.

“Well?” Mark demands as he pulls up his underwear and storms toward me. I tense as he approaches, expecting him to raise his fist. “Are you going to fucking talk?”

“I–I… it’s our anniversary,” I stammer out, my tongue feeling heavy and thick in my mouth.

Mark raises an eyebrow as Emma rolls over on the bed and laughs.

“Oh, this is hilarious,” she says, leaning up on her elbows to smirk at me. I avert my eyes, not wanting to look at her naked form. “Mark, did you even remember today is your anniversary?”

“Nope,” Mark says, his cold blue eyes never leaving my face.

I search his face, desperate to find any sort of regret, horror… something that will show he feels bad for what he’s done.

But there’s nothing. He looks at me like I’m nothing.

He scans me up and down. “You look like a slut, Alexis.”

I gape at him. “Y–You told me to buy this dress?—”

Emma laughs again. “Poor Alexis. You came here expecting Mark to take one look at you and finally stick his cock in your frigid vagina, right?” She twirls a piece of blonde hair around her finger. “How would it make you feel to know Mark and I have been fucking for the past five years?”

It makes me feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. Breathing has become much, much harder and the room feels like it’s getting smaller.

“How could you do this to me, Emma?” I whisper. Emma’s never been the kindest to me, but she’s never been so outright cruel before. “I thought we were sisters.”

Emma scoffs and rolls her eyes. “We are not sisters,” she snaps. “I’ve hated you for years, ever since your disgusting ass came into my house.” A sly smile spreads across her face, making Emma’s pretty features seem almost grotesque.

“Did you really think Mark was in love with you this whole time?”

I can’t breathe.

“You did! Bravo, baby. You’ve really played this well.” She sits up. “Mark and I were already sleeping together when I introduced you two.”

I struggle to process Emma’s words. Emma watches me intently, her smile growing as she sees the pain written all over my face.

“Have you ever loved me, Mark?” I ask desperately, hoping Emma is just saying this to hurt me. In a perfect world, Mark would denounce Emma’s words and tell me that he’s been in love with me all this time.

But the truth is staring me in the face with Mark’s silence.

He never loved me.

Suddenly, white hot anger courses through me. I’ve wasted five years of my life on this man, only to find out he’s been two-timing me with my foster sister.

“We’re over,” I whisper through my tears. Mark cocks his head to the side.

“What did you say?”

“I said, we’re done?—”

“No, you stupid idiot. I heard you say that. What I’m saying is that you are not the one who gets to decide when this relationship ends. I do.”

I shake my head, feeling surer of myself than I ever have. “You don’t have a choice, Mark. It’s my decision. I never want to see your cheating, lying, scumbag ass ever again?—”

My head suddenly snaps back as pain explodes in my cheek. I fly through the air before landing on my back, the wind taken out of me.

Mark stands over me, fury on his face and his hand still in the air. “Don’t you ever,” he growls, “ever talk to me like that again.”

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