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Chapter Nineteen - Felicia

Things have been intense since Heiress kicked us out of her office. Marc doesn’t know this, but I've tried reaching out to her a couple of times to see how we can rectify the commercial. I don’t know why. Lately I've been a lot more emotional than usual. Maybe I just feel bad for her as a woman because I know what it’s like to feel cheated.

“Hey Fee-Fee.”

Kerry comes into my office wearing a bright smile and an even brighter shirt. It's so bright it makes my eyes hurt a little. I feel like she and I haven’t had time to catch up lately. I’ve been so busy coming up with other marketing strategies for the new cars Marc has on the lot, I haven't really seen much of anyone.

“Hey Care Bear. What's up?” I remove my glasses to give her my undivided attention.

“Nothing much. Just popping in to check on you. I feel like we haven’t talked in a while.”

“Oh my gosh, I know right? I've been so busy lately with the new cars and networking with other brands and dealerships. I haven’t had much time for anything.”

Kerry's chowing down on a bowl of Pho that would normally smell delicious to me, but right now, it’s making me feel queasy.

“I heard Heiress backed away from the commercial. What happened with that?”

The girls around here are always prying and snooping around. Kerry included. I'm not sure how they heard about Heiress removing herself from our brand. Probably the likes of Kyle and his big mouth. He and Kerry are pretty close friends, so I wouldn't put it past him.

“Yeah,” I say, holding my belly. “It just wasn’t the right fit. Maybe a better opportunity will come around for us in the future.”

“Are you okay?” she frowns. “You don’t look too good.”

“Yeah.” I shake my head. “I don’t know. I just feel sick all of a sudden.”

Before I can speak another word, my impulses urge me to grab the trashcan near my desk and stick my head in it to catch my throw up. Everything I ate for breakfast this morning has come up from my gut and landed in the trash can, my hands are clinging to it for dear life.

I don’t remember eating anything different. I have the same breakfast almost every morning. Maybe I had a bad banana. Maybe the smell of Kerry’s Pho just doesn't sit right with me today.

“Maybe you’re pregnant.”

Kerry's outburst makes me shiver. No way I can be pregnant. I better not be pregnant. I don't want to be pregnant. Not right now, at least. My mind immediately races to the last time I had my period. I don’t even remember the last time I had my period. I've been so wrapped in Marc and work, it hasn’t crossed my mind at all.

“Oh my God,” I gasp and hold my belly again. “I think I'm going to puke again.”

All day, I've been worried sick about buying a pregnancy test. I've never bought one of those things. Not even while Sean and I were together. I was always on birth control because I knew for a fact, I never wanted to have children with him. At least, not until he got his shit together. I can't believe I've been so careless with Marc.

After work, I rush to my car with every intention of driving to the first convenience store I saw to buy a test. But I can’t move. I can't even stick the key into the ignition without feeling queasy again. When I finally find the nerve to, I head over to CVS and walk the longest isle I've ever walked.

What am I going to do if I'm pregnant? What will I tell Marc? My dad? Please, please, please! Don't let this be the case. Please let me have a simple case of food poisoning or something. Being pregnant right now is not ideal.

I purchase the test and run straight into the bathroom of CVS. It says on the package that all I have to do is pee on the stick and wait for the response to show. I read it a few times over, just to be sure. Then, I do as it says, and wait the sixty seconds it takes for the results to show. I have my fingers crossed, and my eyes closed, while praying the results are negative.

This can’t be real. I take a deep breath as I read the results over and over again. This can’t be happening right now. Pregnant. It's positive. I'm pregnant? A baby. I'm really pregnant. I've never been pregnant. What am I going to tell Marc? Will he be happy about this? Should I tell him? Or should I keep it a secret and pretend it’s someone else's? Should I even go through with this pregnancy?

I have to tell him. I can’t keep any more secrets inside. Not telling my dad we've been dating has been eating me up bad enough. There’s no way I can hold onto the secret of being pregnant on top of it. Pretty soon I'll start to show, and he’ll find out anyway. So, Marc and I might as well come clean before this goes any further.

“Hey Siri. Call Marc.”

The phone starts to ring in my air pods and my gut churns with terror. I'm anxious to hear his voice. Anxious to tell him I'm pregnant. What if he gets angry and never wants to speak to me again? What if he blames this entire affair on me so that he doesn't have to face the raft of my dad? Either way he’ll have to face it. Because it takes two to tango.

“Hey love,” he answers with cheer in his voice. “How’s it going?”

“Marc. I’m pregnant.”

There’s nothing but silence on his end. My heart is thudding in my chest so loud, I feel like everyone in the store can hear it. My hands are shaking, and my breathing is very unsteady. I need him to say something. He has to say something.

“Marc?” I exhale hoping he’ll finally speak. “Say something. Please.”

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