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Either way, I have to focus on the task at hand. I'm meeting with Heiress in Washington to talk more about this commercial she has in mind. The opportunity to have my hand in the pot of the most expensive luxury cars in the world is on the table and I can't let Kyle's nonsense detour my focus from securing the deal.

She meets me on the landing the minute my private jet’s wheels hit the ground. She's in an all-black limited edition Tahoe, waiting for me to enter. It's nice on the outside, and I'm sure even nicer on the inside. These are the kinds of business ventures that are important to me, not whether or not I'm sleeping with one of my employees.

“Marc, nice of you to make it.” She smiles seductively as I enter the backseat. “I’m sorry we couldn’t meet in my office, but I'll be leaving straight from here to go to Rome. Business calls everywhere.”

“I understand,” I chuckle. “Your father has built the number one luxury car business known to man. I expect nothing less.”

I'll be honest, Heiress looks scrumptious right now. She's dressed like she’s here for more than just business and if this were a year ago, I'd probably bite the bait. Right now, today, I'm more focused on what I have going on with Felicia. And from experience, I know mingling with more than one woman never ends well. Neither does mixing business with pleasure.

“I want to uphold my father's legacy,” she says. “I’m sure he wishes he had a son, but I'm just as good. Which is why I need you and your expert marketer to help me with this commercial. Whatever your price, just name it. As long as I have a say in what goes on and how I'm being presented, I'm fine with whatever you want to negotiate.”

“Of course. We can discuss a price range, terms and conditions, whatever you need to be accommodated. As long as I have pick of the litter with cars, I'm fine with anything.”

Heiress and I have history. History that stems from outside of work. I met her father at a car convention while networking and she was there as his sidekick. She and I ended up sparking a conversation on the outskirts, and the rest is history. History that always feels like she wants to rekindle. I wouldn’t rekindle with her. Simply because she’s the one who broke things off in the first place. Now that I've grown to know her, I feel like it was for the best. We're better as business partners than we are intimate partners, and I'm perfectly fine with that.

“You can have whatever you want, Marc. You know that.” There’s a sparkle in her eyes as she speaks. “We’re more than just business partners here. Or have you forgotten?”

“I haven't forgotten,” I chuckle and look away. “However, I'd like to keep business at the forefront.”

“Dating someone?”

She looks curious and disappointed at the same time. I'd love to tell her I'm still a single man, though I have options, but I don’t want her to get the impression that she and I will be rekindling. That ship has sailed, I'm focused solely on the business.

“It's complicated,” I say. “Nothing’s set in stone right now, but there is strong interest.”

“Ahh,” she nods slowly. “I understand. Well, in that case, business at the forefront it is. But, if things don't work out for you and whoever you’re interested in, my door is always open.”

She opens her legs a little, as if to show me the way to the door. Although she’s very hot and tempting, I don’t want to open that door again. It's not as divine as the door Felicia has opened for me.

“Thanks,” I chuckle. “So, it’s okay to get the contract started now that we’ve covered everything? You'll introduce me to your father’s dealers and let me choose a car of my liking, and we’ll get your commercial aired and marketed under our campaign?”

“Sounds good to me,” she says. “I think you’ll enjoy an exclusive look at what we have to offer.”

“Great. I'll see you next time.”

I exit the Tahoe and get back on my jet. I have to be back in New York by this evening to meet at the docks for a shipment. My life is so time consuming and all over the place, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I enjoy the luxury and freedom I have to do as I please. I also enjoy Felicia. Which is who I plan to see the minute I land.

My flight is a long one. I hate long flights. There's too much time for me to be in my head about things like my relationship with Kyle, and what I have going on with Felicia. He's getting too close to figuring out what we’re doing.

I know if he does, he’ll be the one to tell Jeppie. Our relationship will probably end up more strain than it already is because he’ll feel like I stole another girl he’s into. I'm not even sure why our relationship has come to what it’s become. I thought I did everything right as a father.

Maybe it’s because of the way his mother left. I don’t know, but that isn’t my fault. She had other options in her life, and I chose not to deal with her in mine. It's my life, I can do as I please and cut off who I want to cut off for the sake of my own happiness. That's something Kyle has to understand. I thought he would as he got older, but I guess not.

My jet lands and boy, my head is spinning. Being in the air for so long always makes me woozy. I'm not sure how to do it, but I get it done. Normally I'll go for a long nap afterward but right now, I can go for something else.

Are you at the office? I text Felicia.

I am. She replies. How was the meeting?

I'm on my way to you, I say. We can talk about the meeting when I get there.

I rush over to the office and head straight to the top floor. There aren’t many people left here. It's after hours and most of the staff have gone home for the evening, so she and I can have some fun with no interruptions.

“Hi handsome.” She smiles at me as I walk into her office.


I come straight toward her, spin her chair around and help her up from it. Without too much of a warning, I take her lips into mine and give her the deepest, sloppiest kiss I can manage. I feel fierce right now. Tired and jet-lagged, but still horny and as strong as an ox.

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