Page 7 of Her Choice

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Laina leaned her head against Keane’s shoulder. “My mate might shift into a big, scary grizzly, but he’s really a big softy on the inside.”

My heart filled with longing for what they’d found together, and I laughed softly as he grumbled, “Only for you, baby.”

“And our cubs.” Wrapping her fingers around his wrist, she shifted back to place his hand over her belly.

“Them too,” he agreed with a nod. “But with everyone else, all I’ve done is the right thing. Just like any other alpha should do since it’s ingrained in us to protect the vulnerable.”

“See, a softie,” Laina whispered, winking at me.

Seeing them interact with each other loosened the lingering tension in my body. The past two years had been rough for me, never feeling as though I could truly let my guard down. But between the tranquility of my surroundings and the goodness that emanated from Keane and Laina, I thought it just might be possible that I’d found my new home. One where I could stay a good long while. Maybe even a place where it would be safe for my parents to join me, at least for a short visit.

“My mate might think I’m a softy, but as a shifter, you know that’s not the full truth, or else I wouldn’t be an alpha.” His grizzly swirled in his eyes, and my animal whinnied in acknowledgment of his strength. “If anyone comes here looking for you, they’ll pay with their lives. Same as what happened to the men who fucked with Ramsey. My pack and I won’t let anyone take you.”

There was no missing the sincerity of his vow, and I heaved a sigh of relief as tears welled in my eyes again. “You have no idea how much that means to me.”

Cuddled against her mate’s side, Laina sniffled. “Everyone deserves a place to call home, where they’re safe.”

I nodded as a tear slid down my cheek. “I’ve really missed having that.”

“There’s a cabin past Booker’s that nobody is using. You’re welcome to stay there if you’d like,” Keane offered.

“It’ll need to be aired out.” Laina wrinkled her nose. “And there aren’t any supplies in the kitchen, so maybe you’d like to have breakfast with us first?”

Anxious to make my way up here, I had skipped breakfast this morning. So I wasn’t surprised when my stomach growled. Especially with what was inside the cooler in my car. “Thora and Ramsey showed up at the hotel I stayed at last night and made sure I had enough food to last me for at least a couple of days. But I wouldn’t turn down anything before I go check out the cabin if you were already planning on making something.”

“You good for breakfast this early?” Keane asked, his palm cupping his mate’s rounded belly.

“I think so.” Her skin lost its color, almost turning green as she pressed her lips together before mumbling, “Just don’t make bacon. I don’t think my stomach can handle the smell of it yet.”

Keane stood and strode over to the pantry. While he was grabbing her crackers, I got up and gave her a hug, drawing on the healing powers my kind had been blessed—and cursed—with. I could only use them like this for very small ailments. Luckily, morning sickness was one of them.

“Wow,” Laina breathed. “I’m not sure what just happened, but I’m suddenly feeling like I could eat an entire cow.”

Handing her a cracker, Keane widened his eyes. “Really, baby?”

“Yeah.” She licked her lips. “I know you got rid of all the beef in our home because even the thought of it has made me feel like puking over the past month, but maybe one of the guys has some we could borrow? Or Thora left something in their freezer that we could thaw and heat? Like that amazing stew she made a couple of weeks ago that my mouth really wanted but my stomach couldn’t handle.”

“You’re in luck.” I beamed a smile at her. “One of the containers in the cooler in my car is stew.”

She clapped, her eyes lighting with happiness. “Yummy.”



Just when I had started thinking I’d finally adjusted to life in The Wilderness Pack, my damn animal decided to get his fur ruffled. Over what, I had no idea. But ever since I woke up, he’d been pushing me to go to Keane’s cabin. Irritated with whatever had gotten under his skin, I gave in to his demands and headed over there as soon as I finished breakfast.

Rapping my knuckles against the front door, I flared my nostrils when I caught the trace of an unfamiliar scent. It had a sweet note to it, almost like my favorite candy, and made my mouth water.

“What’s that smell?” I asked Keane when he opened the door.

“Thora’s stew.” He glared at me. “But you can’t have any because my pregnant mate is scarfing it down like she hasn’t eaten in days.”

“I don’t think that delicious scent is stew.” My brows drew together when the second half of what he’d said registered in my brain. “Laina is finally past her morning sickness?”

“More like meat sickness,” he muttered, waving me into their cabin. “The time of day didn’t matter. Only the kind of food.”

“Whatever the cause, I’m glad to hear it’s gone.”

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