Page 45 of Shifted Love: Vol 3

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“Because I couldn’t let you get away now that I’ve finally found you.”

Butterflies swirled in my belly at his answer, but I didn’t have time to enjoy them. Although the scratch was shallow, Keane hadn’t been joking about the sting from the antiseptic. My eyes watered as he gently brushed the wipe against my calf. I sniffled when he placed a bandage over the scratch and grunted, “There you go.”

My gaze drifted down, and I finally noticed he was barefoot. “Oh, my goodness! Forget about my little scrape. You don’t have any shoes on. Your feet have to be torn up. What in the world were you thinking?”

His lips curved up at my tsking sound of disapproval. “That if I didn’t move fast, I’d never see you again.”

“C’mon, let me see them.” I gestured him closer. “It’s only fair that I get to patch you up if you need it since you got to take care of me.”

“Good point. It is your right to look after me however you’d like.”

His quick agreement surprised me. And the way he said it made me feel as though his words had a deeper meaning, but I couldn’t imagine what that could be. Not that he gave me much time to speculate since he stood and turned around, lifting his feet so I could see the bottoms…after I managed to tear my gaze away from his perfectly rounded butt.

When I saw the condition of his feet, I gasped. “There isn’t a single scratch or scrape. How is that possible? Those trails in the woods were covered with twigs and stuff. There’s no way you avoided stepping on anything with how fast you were moving.”

“I’m a fast healer.” He dropped down on the couch next to me.

My heart raced in my chest as I pressed back against the arm to create some space between us. “Nobody can heal that quickly.”

“Maybe humans can’t.” He shrugged and quirked a brow. “I haven’t really paid much attention to them until now.”

“Humans?” I squeaked.

His eyes gleamed with humor as his lips curved into a grin. “Yes, humans. Like you.”

“But, um…not you?”

“Nope.” He shook his head and scooted closer, stretching his arm against the back of the couch. “Sorry, baby. Fate had something other than a boring human male in mind for you.”

Maybe Sally had actually pushed me over a cliff, and I’d bumped my head. Either that or I’d managed to stumble my way straight into a paranormal romance like the ones I read. Was he a vampire? A wolf shifter? A fae king?

I squeezed my eyes shut and took a deep breath. “Have I knocked myself unconscious and am imagining all of this?”

“Nope.” He yanked me close, and my eyes popped open. “But if you were, you can be damn sure I’d figure out a way to invade your dreams. My grizzly and I won’t let anything stand in the way of claiming you.”

Okie dokie. Shifters were apparently real. Keane could turn into a bear. And judging by my reaction to him and how he was talking…I was his fated mate.



“Claiming me?” I echoed softly, trying to wrap my head around what was happening.

He stroked his fingers down my arm as he nodded. “I’m not good with pretty words. I can’t think of a good way to explain this all to you except to just get it out there. So I’m gonna be blunt, okay?”

I nodded. “Uh-huh.”

“I’m a grizzly bear shifter, and you’re my fated mate.”

I dropped my head against the back of the couch and sighed. “That’s what I thought you were going to say.”

“Wait. What?” He leaned over me and ran his fingers through my hair, close to my scalp. “Did you hit your head before I found you?”

“You didn’t find me. I found you,” I grumbled.

“Seriously, baby. Open your eyes. I need to make sure your pupils aren’t dilated or unequal. You might have a concussion.”

My lids lifted, and I stared up at him. “My head is fine.”

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