Page 19 of Shifted Love: Vol 3

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“Can we go again, daddy?” Arbor begged, jumping up and down excitedly.

I laughed and picked him up, setting him on my shoulders. “Your mommy needs a rest, little man. We’ll go flying again soon.”

Ramsey tensed. “Not beyond pack territory.”

I knew where her mind had gone and quickly reassured her. “Of course, baby. I won’t let anything happen to our eyas.”

She sighed and relaxed. “I know. I just worry.”

I captured one of her hands with mine and squeezed it gently as we walked the rest of the way to our house, enjoying the quiet sounds of the forest. When we arrived back at home, we made dinner, and I carried Arbor back to his room when he fell asleep at the table.

Ramsey stood in the doorway, smiling as she watched me lay him down.

When I turned and prowled toward the door, her eyes widened at the clear intent in my expression.

“About that rest…”

Ramsey smirked, then slapped her hands over her mouth so she wouldn’t laugh when I scooped her into my arms and sped to our bedroom.

“I don’t think that qualified as resting,” she panted with a laugh an hour later as we lay sprawled out on our bed.

Chuckling, I turned us both onto our sides and wrapped myself around her, one hand cupping her tit and the other splayed over her bump. “I wanted to make sure you were worn out enough to get a good night’s sleep.”

Ramsey wiggled against me, and I grunted when my cock stirred.

“You aren’t going to get any sleep tonight if you don’t quit squirming,” I warned.


I cut her off before she could say something that would have me plunging my rod into her dripping pussy and taking her again. She needed to rest. It had been a long, emotional day, and I didn’t want her to wear herself out. “If you go to sleep right now, I promise to take care of you next time you wake up.”

She was quiet for a moment, and I waited to see if she’d take my deal. “Fine. But I expect plenty of mind-blowing orgasms.”

I laughed and kissed her temple. “You’ve got yourself a deal, bright eyes.”

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