Page 13 of Shifted Love: Vol 3

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“Mate?” he echoed softly, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as the stench of his terror filled the air.

I nodded. “Mm-hmm.”

“Fuck,” he groaned, dropping his gaze to stare at his lap, where a wet spot was beginning to spread because he’d peed himself.

“You know what mates are. You’re a part of the smuggling ring that auctions off shifters,” Ramsey accused.

“That true?” Keane growled, crouching down on the other side of him.

“Wonder how the fuck they’ve managed to catch anyone,” Rome muttered, tapping his finger against his temple. “Can’t be too smart if he thought it was a good idea to show up here all by himself.”

“Call me dumb all you want, but I’ve bagged three shifters all by myself,” the man boasted, proving exactly how stupid he was.

“Thought the dumb bitch was here by herself,” he muttered, the color draining from his face. “She’s a loner. Didn’t know there was a pack here that had taken her in.”

Ramsey walked over to peer inside the car. “There’s a laptop on the passenger seat.”

Rome got up and joined her as she pulled the computer out. Peering down at the screen, he widened his eyes. “There’s a fucking beacon right here on the map he has pulled up. He’s tracking her somehow.”

“Tracking me?” my mate echoed on a gasp, her eyes going wide with fear. “How is that possible? I was in my falcon form the entire time that man had me and left the basement wearing Link’s shirt.”

“If it isn’t on you, then it has to be in you.”

“In me?” she shrieked, flinging herself at the man as her hands shifted to claws. She ripped his face to ribbons. “Where is it? What did he do to me?”

The guy was a sobbing mess by the time I pulled her off him. “Better tell us how you found her, or we’ll let her do worse than that.”

I wouldn’t have minded letting her go at him again, but he took my threat seriously and started babbling about quantum dots that emitted a frequency that allowed them to track anyone they could inject them into. It sounded like science fiction bullshit to me, but there was no arguing with the fact that he shouldn’t have been able to track Ramsey to the Wilderness Pack. She had no connection to any of the shifters who lived here. As far-fetched as his explanation sounded, it had to be true.

“How long does the beacon work?” I demanded.

“Twelve months.” His eyes were almost swollen shut as he stared up at me. “That’s why I couldn’t wait to hunt her down. It’ll blink out any day now.”

“Thank goodness,” she breathed, slumping into my side.

With his phone, laptop, and the information he’d already provided us, we didn’t need anything else from him. It was finally time for my falcon to get what he wanted. Shifting into his form, I flung myself high in the air before dropping into a dive toward my prey. Ramsey, Rome, and Keane stepped away from the man, and judging by the expression on his face, he thought we might let him go. His hope was short-lived, though. Aiming my tomial tooth at his jugular while hurtling toward him at two hundred miles per hour, I ripped into his vein with vicious intent. It was a killing blow, but during the two minutes it took him to bleed out, I delivered many more.

Once he was dead, I shifted back to my human form. Pressing Ramsey’s cheek against my chest, I growled. “I love you so damn much. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.”

“That’s never going to happen.” She stroked her fingers over a small cut on my chest that I must have somehow gotten while I was diving through the air. My fury had drowned out my surroundings, and I wouldn’t have noticed if my falcon got scraped by a leaf or twig. “We need to clean this up.”

“Grab whatever you need inside.” I patted her ass. “I’ll be right behind. Just need to talk to Rome and Keane about disposing of the body and car first.”

She searched my face before nodding. “Okay.”

I waited until the cabin door closed behind her to turn to the two men. “I need to do something about the bastard who took her. As long as he’s alive, she’s in danger.”

“There’s an easy fix to that problem.” Rome’s wolf flashed in his eyes as he rubbed his hands together. “I’ll infiltrate the prison where they’re keeping him and kill the bastard.”

My falcon wanted to rip into the man until there was nothing left of him, but I couldn’t leave Ramsey unprotected. “Are you sure you want to do that?”

“Fuck, yeah.” There wasn’t a hint of doubt in his eyes as they narrowed. “If the pack in that territory had done their damn job, this never would’ve happened. The man would’ve already been dead, and he couldn’t have sent someone after Ramsey. It pisses me the fuck off that the wolf calling himself an alpha was too weak to take care of the bastard. He used the excuse of Ramsey being a loner to get out of his duty. The second he allowed her to stay on his land, she was his responsibility.”

Looking at Keane, I asked, “Is his plan okay with you?”

“I couldn’t agree more.” He threaded his fingers together and cracked his knuckles. “I’m tempted to go with him so I can have a little chat with the wolf who leads that pack. One look at Ramsey was all any true alpha should’ve needed to know that she deserved a place in his pack.”

Pleased as fuck at his concern for my mate, I patted him on the shoulder. “Don’t start a war with his pack. I’m sure he won’t stay in power long with how weak he must be. Plus, she’s good now, and I’ll make sure she stays that way.”

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