Page 55 of One Hellish Desire

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“Vikram, leave me. I can walk,” Maahi protests, but I ignore her pleas. I deposit her gently on her bed and leave without another word.

When I return to the living room, Mom is pacing like a caged tigress. “What are you doing here, Mom?” I ask, though I already suspect the answer.

“What are you doing, Vikram?” she hisses. “Was that Maahi?”

“Yes,” I admit, my throat tight.

“In your arms?” Her voice drips with venom.

“She sprained her ankle,” I explain, but Mom isn't having it.

“To hell with her sprain!” she shouts.

Before I can respond, I spot Daadi and Dad emerging from another room. Dad rushes to embrace me, seemingly oblivious to the tension. “So nice to see you, son. We missed you.”

I return the hug. Each of them has an agenda for this surprise visit. Mom's suspicions about Maahi and me are clearly at the forefront, while Dad is likely here to check on the Devki Estate – unaware that it now belongs to Maahi. Daadi looks overwhelmed, reuniting with her son and daughter-in-law after nine long years. Mom's piercing stare bores into me, demanding answers. The situation is maddening.

“Did our visit surprise you or shock you, Son?” Dad asks, playfully punching my chest. “You look different.”

“Both,” I reply tersely. “What brought you here again?” I direct the question at Mom, whose glare intensifies.

“Really, Vikram?” she snaps. “Now you want your parents to find excuses to meet you? It feels like ages since you've been here, and I don't see any interest in you returning home. I don't understand who's stopping you from leaving this place.”

I notice tears welling in Daadi's eyes, and my anger flares. “Can we just stop this blame game right now?” I growl. “I'm sure everyone's tired. Let's rest and speak tomorrow.”

Dad shoots Mom a heated glare. There's clearly tension between them that I don't fully understand. Mom strides towards me, her voice low and threatening. “We have a lot to talk about, Vikram. So yes, let's rest now and face each other tomorrow. Good night.”

She storms off, but Dad lingers. He turns to Daadi, his voice softening. “Maa, you were telling me something about rasgullas?”

Daadi wipes her eyes, forcing a smile. “Yes. When I heard you were here, I stopped to get some for you. Let me bring them.”

As she hurries to the kitchen, Dad and I are left staring at each other. His expression is unreadable.

“Looks like we have a lot to catch up on, son,” he says quietly.

“Tomorrow,” I reply curtly, already heading for the stairs. My mind is a tempest of emotions – desire for Maahi, frustration with my parents, and a gnawing uncertainty about what the morning will bring. One thing is clear: the battle for my future – and for Maahi – has only just begun.


My heart races as I process the shocking arrival of Meera Singh Grover. Though she's part of this family, her presence has always brought pain to Daadi. I won't let her target Daadi again – not now, not ever. I'll be the shield Daadi needs, protecting her from her own flesh and blood if necessary.

As these thoughts swirl in my mind, memories of Vikram's kiss assault me anew. I can still feel his lips on mine, taste him on my tongue, smell his intoxicating scent clinging to my skin. How could I have allowed Prince Pompous to cross that line? I try to push myself up, but pain shoots through my leg. The sprain is worse than I thought. If I don't tend to it now, I might need a doctor tomorrow – something I desperately want to avoid. In fact, I'd rather not leave this room until Vikram's parents are gone. The way his mother looked at me... She was clearly shocked to see her son carrying a woman to the bedroom. She already dislikes me, and I don't want her thinking I'm deliberately toying with her son. God, this is all so complicated.


I toss and turn on the bed unable to sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see Maahi. I relive our dance, my hands exploring her back, my fingers gripping that tantalizingly delicate waist chain. I ache to trace that chain with my lips... Damn! What am I thinking? I can't sleep, not with the woman I desire just a room away, and certainly not with my parents' unexpected presence looming over us. I have no idea what they're planning, but I won't let them hurt Maahi or Daadi. If they try, they'll face my wrath.

Unable to sleep, I stroll out of my room. It’s dead dark outside but I keep walking and stop at the doorstep of Maahi’s room. She's in there, sleeping or not, and the urge to go to her is overwhelming. I want to slip into her bed, take her in my arms... I could do it. But there's a line of decency I'm not ready to cross – not until I can claim her legally. That's exactly what I need to do, but my parents' presence complicates everything.

Reluctantly, I return to my room. Tomorrow, they'll bombard me with questions. I need to be prepared for whatever they throw at me.



Morning comes, and the temple bells rouse me from my fitful sleep. After a quick shower, I head downstairs to find Daadi and Maahi performing the morning puja as usual. Our eyes lock as Maahi turns, and every cell in my body ignites.

“Good morning,” I say, addressing Daadi but unable to tear my gaze from Maahi.

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