Page 35 of One Hellish Desire

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“I don’t want this gift of yours,” I argue. “I can buy another one.”

“Sure, you can,” he closes the distance between us again. “But the one I made you wear is the only one that suits you best. You know it, Maahi... and so do I.”

I am confused. He sounds like an over possessive man. Deepa hands over the box to him.

“Congratulations, Sir, please keep visiting the store often.”

“We will,” he replies, holding my hand and dragging me out before I could confront Deepa that he is not my fiancé.


The next two days, Vikram's changed behavior has confused me. He is not being overly sweet, but he is doing things which I would expect Shyam to do for me. Like making me wear the waist chain in the store. Last night, when I was craving gol gappa (pani puri) and insisted Daadi we go out and hog it, Vikram overheard us and ordered special gol gappa from the best ‘chat corner’ in the town. Though he didn’t eat any, he stayed in the dining room until Daadi and I finished. While Daadi was happy with his gesture, my skin tingled every time he watched me eating. His eyes had a different spark, as if he was imagining things between us.

These bizarre events prompt me to call my friend Preet to Ratna Mahal. She arrives promptly at 5:00 pm, and I drag her to my room, sharing every incident with Vikram so far. She listens patiently, then fans herself.

“Seriously, this guy seems hot,” she says. “And he has the hots for you, I’m damn sure of that.”

I roll my eyes. I knew it. Preet would make fun of this rather than give me serious advice.

“Though I haven’t met him personally, I can feel he’s smoking hot inside and out.”

“Stop it, Preet. I’m getting engaged to Shyam in two days.”

She focuses back on the present.

“Right. Do you think Vikram is right? Maybe he knows the Trivedis are only after Devki Estate?”

“I don’t think they can be so evil. Daadi and I have known them for years.”

“Of course, you have. But Vikram has experience with people. He’s a businessman and can read intentions without even looking. What if he really gets proof against them? Will you still marry Shyam?”

She raises a valid point.

“If it’s true and Shyam or his father are after Devki Estate, I’ll be the first to break this alliance.”

“Good,” Preet smiles. “Then I’m on your side. You guys never had chemistry, but with Vikram Singh Grover, it’s clear you have not just chemistry but biology and physics too,” she winks.

I grab a pillow and throw it at her.

“How cheap, Preet.”

“What’s so cheap about it? Think about it: you break your alliance with Shyam and marry Vikram Singh Grover instead. You’ll always be with Daadi, and he’ll get what he wants—the Devki Estate. You both already have great chemistry, and Daadi even mentioned once that she wished you two were a couple. It’s a win-win for everyone.”

I don’t know what to say. Preet talks as if it’s all simple, but it’s not. There are so many complications. Daadi will break down if she finds out about Shyam and his father’s greed. I might not lose much, but Shyam was still a good friend. And I can never imagine marrying Vikram. We might have chemistry, but that’s it. Marriage doesn’t work on chemistry alone. It needs compatibility, respect, trust, and many other important factors. I don’t see any of those between me and him. Plus, I don’t want him to mess with Devki Estate after getting fifty percent ownership. Daadi had different plans for that land, and since she entrusted it to me, I want to fulfill her wishes.


Dad's frequent calls are troublesome. I have no updates for him yet because there has been no progress on Devki Estate so far. Plus, the clock is ticking. In two days, Maahi is going to get engaged to Shyam, and I want to stop this from happening. More than finding the proofs against the Trivedis, I am engrossed in sorting the conflict between my mind and body. My mind wants to play it cool and easy, but my body says otherwise. My mind says, even if the engagement happens, it's still not the end of the world. I can stop her from marrying Shyam as the marriage still has time. But my body... it burns like fire every time I think about Shyam's ring on Maahi’s finger. I don't want people to see them as a couple. If I am asked to choose between my race for Devki Estate and my desire for Maahi, my body tempts me to choose the latter, whilst my mind wants me to use tactics and pick the former. I am doomed. This conflict is killing me.

I am in the garden, under the dark night sky, staring at the bright stars blinking above when someone places an arm on my back. The touch itself is enough to know it’s Daadi. I pause my thoughts and turn around.

“Vikram? What’s wrong? You seem so lost these days.”

“I feel lost,” I agree. I don’t want to hide, not from her.

“I know,” she murmurs. “You had hopes for Devki Estate and I... I ruined your plans.”

That’s not it. That’s not my only worry right now, is it?

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