Page 23 of One Hellish Desire

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The arrogance in his tone sparks a flare of irritation. “In your dreams, Prince Pompous.”

Ignoring the barb, he gestures lazily at the bar's impressive array. “Drink?”

I shake my head. “I don't drink.”

“Even better,” he rumbles, a wicked glint in his eyes. “I want you fully conscious tonight.”

A shiver trips down my spine at the veiled implication in his words.

“And why is that?” I demand.

“So that you make some sane decisions, Cub.”

Vikram's teasing smirk doesn't waver - he knows exactly the effect his sinful innuendos are having. But before he can elaborate further, his gaze locks onto the red rose I've been clutching since leaving my dinner date with Shyam. In two strides he's towering over me, snatching the rose from my hands without warning.

“You bought me a gift?” There's an edge of challenge in his query that prickles my defenses.

“It's for me, not you! Give it back!” I lunge to reclaim the trampled rose, but he holds it maddeningly out of reach.

“Shyam Trivedi gave this to you,” he states flatly, making me freeze in my frantic attempts.

“Who else would it be from? I was on a date with him before you so rudely interrupted.”

His fingers loosen just enough for me to pluck the crushed petals free. Cradling their mangled curves, I glare at him in worry.

“You like gifts, don't you?”

There's an unmistakable bite in his tone - mocking, almost cruel.

“What do you mean?” I ask.

“Devki Estate,” he snaps.

A knot forms in my stomach as the implication sinks in.

“Oh, so this is about Devki Estate?” I sigh. “I should have known.”

Of course this would come up eventually. When Daadi bestowed that precious inheritance upon me, I knew the Grovers wouldn't take it lying down. But I never expected such naked bitterness from her own grandson.

“Well, now you know. Daadi made a mistake. She doesn’t realize how priceless that estate is. I have plans for it and I want the estate back.”

My blood boils as the audacious words leave his mouth. Even though I never had an affinity towards the Grover property, I won’t let him bargain away Daadi’s dreams for that land.

“Don't misunderstand me, Cub...I am not buying it for free. You can ask anything else in return.” His smile cuts like a razor. As if I would ever consider his offer! I know he's a typical business magnate, always angling for the best deal.

Not wanting to waste any more time, I give my decisive answer. “I think you are mistaken, Vikram. I am not selling.”

He strides toward me with that long, agile gait and I brace myself, knowing he won't let me go until I agree to his demands. But I couldn't care less about his pompous royalty act - I'm not giving up Daadi's gift so easily. He leans in dangerously close, his breath hot on my ear.

“Everything has a price. Tag yours.”

“Not happening,” I say firmly, taking a step back. “Devki Estate is now a part of me. I am not selling it at any cost.”

His face turns to stone. “I said I have plans, Cub,” he reiterates sharply.

“I have plans too,” I shoot back. “Devki Estate is part of me now. You can't have it. Not at any price.”

I turn to leave, grasping for the door handle, but it doesn't budge. Fear grips me as he shouts, “You can't leave this door until you agree.”

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