Page 19 of One Hellish Desire

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Maahi and Shyam have finally left, and now I have Daadi to myself. But instead of the conversation I've been pushing for, she's preoccupied with some jewelry, delaying me further.

“Daadi, you said we would talk after they left,” I prod impatiently.

“Yes, Vikram, I remember.” She beckons me into her room, showing me an array of intricate, traditional pieces. “How do you like these?”

I give the jewelry a cursory glance before meeting her gaze again. “They're beautiful. Are they yours?”

A proud smile curves her lips. “No, I bought them for Maahi. She'll be married soon - if I don't prepare her wedding, who will?”

The mere thought of Maahi getting married makes me inexplicably uneasy again.

“You know, Vikram, when I first brought Maahi into this house, she was so naive and shy...” Daadi's wistful tone draws me back.

“Submissive,” I interject, recalling the very first time I laid eyes on her.

It was one such vacation of mine in India. I had invited all my old school friends at Ratna Mahal and were having a small get together. I was hardly 16. Daadi had told me already we had another member in the family now who will stay with her forever. I didn’t like that fact but didn’t bother to know about that new member either. I was with my friends having Samosas and soft drinks when I saw a girl.. a few years younger to me, watching us from behind a pillar. Her dove-eyes were hard to ignore. When she realized I saw her, she hid behind that pillar hoping I would ignore. But I was always a curious kid. I strode to her and pulled her out. She shivered as I gripped her wrist.

“You are stalking me!” I said. It wasn’t a query but a declaration. Knowing I was a handsome boy and girls drooled me everywhere I went, I thought she was one of them.

“I wasn’t,” she replied keeping her gaze down.

“I hate lies.” My voice softened when I realized how pale her face turned by my accusations.

“I am not lying. I was leaving for my room when I heard you boys.”

“Oh, so you were eavesdropping. Should I tell Daadi? She will not be impressed by it.”

I didn’t mean to do that but I enjoyed her state. She was cold in my grip and my recently developed hormones were burning my body all over. I instantly felt attracted to this little girl which was sinful. We were still teens. But that instant, I knew I wanted her. I wanted to hug her. Kiss her even if she let me.

“Leave me.” She wriggled in my hold, breaking my chain of sinister thoughts.

“Only on one condition.”

She looked at me as if she was afraid of me already.

“Do 10 sits-ups.”


“Yes. For eavesdropping.”

Her face turned paler again. I didn’t mean to make her more uncomfortable. But before I could, she held her ears and began the sit-ups. And God knows how innocent she looked as she promptly completed them and ran away before I could get a hold of her again.

“Submissive?” Daadi's voice shatters the heated memory like a bucketful of ice water.

Shit...I shouldn't have spoken that word aloud.

“Did you trouble her in your childhood?”

I shake my head, unwilling to confess any more of that scorching first encounter. “You always thought I was the troublemaker, didn't you?”

“Because you were, Vikram!” Daadi laughs. “Always getting into fights, never obeying your teachers or elders.”

“If you expect me to obey teachers who tormented students over incomplete homework, then no, I'm still not guilty,” I counter with a smirk.

She watches me carefully for a long beat. “You were a fighter, yes - a natural leader who stood up for your friends. But your father was afraid you'd become an uncontrollable rowdy boy. That's why they never let you remain here long.”

My smile fades at the faint rebuke. “I'm glad they didn't,” I mutter, then instantly regret it as hurt flashes in Daadi's eyes. “No, I didn't mean that. Look at me now - I'm sophisticated, mature. I don't lose my temper or start fights anymore. I'm the captain of my own ship.”

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