Page 17 of One Hellish Desire

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But why do I care who is or isn't suitable for her? I'm here for business, and that's where I need to refocus my energy.

“Hariya!” I shout, causing the servant to come scurrying over, practically trembling. “Where is Daadi?”

“Daadiji has gone to the temple. She'll return by lunchtime.”

I groan in frustration. I can't wait to find out who now owns the Devaki Estate if not Daadi.


That evening when Daadi returns, Shyam is with her again. Damn hell!

“Maahi isn't home,” I mutter as they approach close.

Daadi looks affronted by my rudeness, but I can't help myself. This is my house - he can't just keep inviting himself over and invading my space.

“I know,” Shyam replies evenly. “She said she'd be a bit late, so Daadi insisted I wait for her.”

“Vikram?” Daadi interjects sternly. “Maahi is going to dinner with Shyam. That's why he's here.”

Shyam offers me a placid smile, which only irritates me more. Is he really so oblivious or just feigning innocence? I clearly don't want him around, yet he continues grinning at me like nothing is amiss. He's up to something.

“Shyam, please sit. Hariya, bring some tea,” Daadi instructs before hurrying off to the puja room.

I follow after her, unwilling to entertain our guest a moment longer. “Daadi, we need to talk. We didn't finish our earlier conversation.”

She ignores me, busying herself with unpacking the basket from the temple.

“I recall that, Vikram. We'll discuss it when Maahi and Shyam leave. I don't wish to intrude on them.”

“We're the ones intruding?” I snap incredulously. “First you made me go to Maahi's boutique, and now when I need to talk, this man is here again!”

“Vikram.” Daadi cuts me off, tone sharp. “Shyam is no stranger. I've known his family for two years now. They're good people, and most importantly, he is going to marry Maahi. You know how much she means to me.”

I bristle at the undisguised warning in her voice. “So? What about me? Just because I couldn't see you these past nine years, Maahi has become everything to you? Where do I stand?”

The hurt I've tried so hard to bury surges forth. I've always been the central focus - for Dad, for Mom, for Daadi too. And now I'm forced to see someone else inexplicably usurping my place in her heart.

“Vikram, where are you taking this?” Daadi's eyes narrow. “I'm simply asking you to wait until they've left for dinner. Surely you'd want privacy when we discuss the Devaki Estate as well?”

She's right, damn it. I'm overreacting again without thinking. “Fine,” I mutter tightly.

“Good. Now go keep Shyam company until Maahi arrives.”

I balk at the very notion. “No, that's out of the question. Let me know when they're gone.”

“Vikram.” Daadi catches my arm. “Shyam is our guest. Don't be rude. I'll bring some snacks for you both.”

“I'm hardly good company,” I argue, though it's futile against her insistence.

“My grandson excels at everything,” she replies, patting my cheek before sweeping away.

Left with no choice, I rejoin Shyam in the living room, where he's occupied with his phone. “So, do you do this?”

He glances up, puzzled. “Do what?”

“Show this much patience,” I clarify, taking a seat across from him. “If a woman made me wait this long, I wouldn't tolerate it.”

He chuckles easily.

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