Page 137 of One Hellish Desire

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She looks displeased and shrugs my arm off. “I don’t want to see this room,” she declares sternly.

“Excuse me?” I frown.

“You heard me, Vikram. I’m not interested in knowing what you did in this room with your chain of ex-girlfriends.”

I stare at her and then carry her in my arms.

“Vikram?” She clings to me for support. “Put me down. I said I don’t want to—”

I kick the door open and take her inside the playroom, which is nothing like what she imagined. Maahi shuts her eyes as we step in, her grip on my shoulder tightening. I put her down, but she keeps clinging to me.

“Maahi, open your eyes.”

“I can’t,” she mutters. “Now I know why you are so dominant always. You practiced all this probably with your so-called exes too. You like to dominate women, tame them using these kinky stuff.”

I force her to turn around. “Open your damn eyes and see for yourself,” I groan.

Maahi reluctantly opens her eyes, and her jaw drops. She stares at my Xbox and PlayStation unit in the corner of the room, the small three-seater couch, and two recliners on the other side. There’s a huge plasma TV in the center of the wall and some game DVDs in an open rack beside it.

“You… you meant this as your playroom?” She meets my gaze again. “I thought…”

“You thought what?” I snap. “Only because I like to exercise control over everything, you thought I would build a playroom in my home with some kinky stuff and bring my exes in here and treat them as my personal slave or something?”

I’m seriously annoyed by her assumptions. Maahi glances at me apologetically, but I simply exit the room, craving some space. The very idea of my wife still doubting me and making foolish assumptions like this is unbearable.



I follow Vikram to our bedroom wondering how can he leave the conversation without giving me a chance to explain my part. It irks me how he walks away from arguments. That has to change, and it will, gradually. I know the kind of relationships he’s had weren’t strong or connected. Even his parents use him as a commodity to bargain for their profits and social status sometimes. Vikram still has a lot to learn about emotional connection, and I will make sure he does.

I follow Vikram to the bedroom, my heart racing. He's at the walk-in closet, picking out a T-shirt, but the moment he spots me, he makes a beeline for the bathroom. I'm quick to block his path.

“Maahi, don't,” he warns, his voice low.

I stand my ground. “This is what happens when you let your ego do the thinking instead of your head,” I scold, trying to keep my voice steady.

His response is swift and cutting.

“At least I think, Maahi. You just assume, and when it comes to me, you're usually wrong.”

His words sting, bruising my own ego. I take a deep breath, trying to soften my approach.

“I'm sorry for that, Vikram. Those were my old notions about you, but they've changed now. I know there's a good heart behind that stubborn mask of yours, but...” I can't help but giggle as he frowns at my choice of words.

“This isn't funny, Maahi,” Vikram says, clenching his jaw. I quickly compose myself, reaching out to slide my arms around his waist.

“You walking out on me isn't funny either,” I say looking up at him. “Vikram, we've only just started giving this marriage a real chance. We're bound to have countless arguments and differences of opinion, but promise me we'll always see them through to the end, good or bad. Our marriage is already hanging by a thread because we live in different countries. I don't want anything else to pull our hearts apart. Please.”

He silences me with his fingers on my lips, nodding weakly. “I'm a man of few words, Maahi, and I'm used to walking away after making my point. I didn't realize that's not how a relationship works. Forgive me if it upset you.”

I rise on my toes, kissing his jawline softly. “There's so much we both have to learn about relationships. I've never been in one, and you've never had a serious one. We're in for a lot of learning right now.”

“Just stay close to me,” he replies, pulling me closer, “and watch how quickly we become pros at this marriage thing.”

His kiss is soft, yet different and more passionate than ever before. I melt into his embrace, my fingers sliding into his hair as I return his kiss with equal fervor. The thought crosses my mind: if I leave for India without him, this man will surely be the death of me.

Suddenly, a loud knock on the bedroom door breaks our moment. Someone enters – I realize I forgot to lock the door when I followed Vikram in.

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