Page 107 of One Hellish Desire

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A knock at the door interrupts us. Annoyed, I ask who it is, and it’s Sabrina.

“Hey,” she smiles. “Sorry about that. I didn’t know it was you and Daadi visiting.”

“Sabrina, how could you be so reckless?” I scowl. “Without asking me or Mom, how could you deny them access? You know they’re my priority. Daadi and Maahi traveled all this way, and this is not the welcome I wanted for them.”

“I said I’m sorry, Vikram. I really didn’t know it was them. Who would imagine they’d come to surprise you?”

“You knew someone from the Grover family needed access,” I argue. “It could have been anyone—my cousins, relatives. You had no right.”

Sabrina nods apologetically. “I’m really sorry. I was excited about the dinner and didn’t think. You know I make hasty decisions when I’m excited. Please forgive me.”

She reaches for my hand, but I pull away. “It’s not up to me.”

I turn to Maahi. “You decide if you want to forgive her.”

Maahi watches me intently, then turns to Sabrina. “You can make hasty decisions for yourself, not for others. That’s a lame excuse. Remember that next time. I’m sure you’re Vikram’s bestie, but every relationship has boundaries. Don’t cross them.”

Sabrina’s smile vanishes. “I’m leaving. We can celebrate another time.”

“What are you talking about, sweetheart?” Mom enters, oblivious to our conversation. “You can’t leave. I prepared everything for you. Vikram, ask her to stay.”

I sigh, my mood dampened. I was thrilled to see Maahi and Daadi, only to learn Sabrina hurt them, intentionally or not.

“Please continue your plans,” Maahi says. “Don’t cancel because of us.”

“She’s right,” Mom adds. “Come on, stop acting like you’re not part of this family.”

Sabrina gives me a faint smile and leaves with Mom. Maahi looks hurt, and so am I. Not because Mom gives Sabrina so much importance, but because Maahi deserves it too. This might be a one-week trip, but I’ll make it memorable for Daadi and Maahi. They didn’t get a grand welcome, but they’ll leave with happy faces. Leave? I’m not even ready to think about that.

Jack brings Maahi’s luggage into the room. She thanks him and starts unpacking. Watching her unpack over my bed is so comforting I don’t realize when I reach her and hug her from behind. She stills, dropping the dress she picked to change into. Her breathing quickens.


“Ssh,” I whisper. “Let me just convince my heart you’re really here.”

She leans her head back on my shoulder, and I love it. I’ve been dying for this hug.


I might not have received a warm welcome—especially knowing Sabrina Patel was here with the family—but I am grateful Vikram stood by me. He didn’t react as furiously as I did, but the pain on his face, knowing what happened in the lobby and seeing me hurt, was enough for now. Sabrina isn’t an easy woman to deal with; she has layers that need to be peeled one by one to expose her true self. She conveniently denied us access to the penthouse, and before I could tell Vikram everything, she came to apologize. I need to be cautious around her and understand what she and Vikram had in the past. Her social media posts, with their inappropriate taglines, suggest she sees him as more than just a friend. And Meera aunty? I’m deeply disappointed. It’s clear who her first choice for Vikram was, and since that didn’t happen, she’s silently giving Sabrina the right to rule this house. I might have to correct that too. As for Vanraj uncle, he didn’t even care to spend time with his mother, let alone notice me.

Vikram presses into my back, his arms around my waist, soothing me as if he knows I’m not in the best mood. His hug relaxes me, easing the stress I’ve just been through. He pulls away after a minute and turns me around. When our eyes meet, he seems lost again, especially when his gaze falls on my lips.

“I need to… freshen up,” I interrupt, and he unwillingly takes his hands off me.

“I’ll go check on Daadi meanwhile. Come down for dinner soon,” he says and walks out.

I sigh. Finally, I’m here—just where Prince Pompous wanted me to be. New York might be nice, but I can’t stay here permanently. Vikram and I need to discuss that, but right now, I desperately need a shower.



I'm not happy knowing how Daadi and Maahi were asked to wait in the lobby. If I had known they were coming, I would have picked them up personally from the airport. Though I loved their surprise, the welcome they received was far from satisfactory. And Sabrina? I’m still shocked at her audacity. She knew someone from the Grover family had come and ordered them to wait. Who gave her that right?

I step out and see Sabrina and Mom gossiping. They pause the moment they see me.

“Vikram, the pizzas are getting cold. I don’t think Maa is going to like them, so Sabrina has ordered some Indian meal for her.”

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