Page 76 of One Hellish Passion

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“Because she failed to protect you. It was her duty and she didn't do it,” Ranveer said unapologetically.

Maya shot him an argumentative look. The nurse stepped out, leaving Maya's medication ready.

“It was my mistake taking another route. The traffic delayed Aisha from following me. Don't punish her unnecessarily - bring her back,” Maya insisted.

Ranveer rolled his eyes in irritation. “I don't re-hire people who lost my trust.”

“Really?” Maya snapped. “You hired me back after not trusting me. To deal with your stepfather and brother, remember?”

Ranveer paused, acknowledging her point. Reluctantly he picked up his phone and called Aman. “Tell Aisha to resume her duties today,” he ordered curtly before hanging up.

Maya looked satisfied that he'd taken her advice for once, sparing Aisha's job. She couldn't have an innocent person fired because of her.

“Medicines,” Ranveer prompted her.

Maya reached for the medication but struggled to pour water, her energy drained. Ranveer noticed and quickly assisted her. His attentiveness reminded Maya of what Dhruv had said - Ranveer wasn't working because he was here caring for her. But why?

“Thank you,” Maya said after swallowing the medicines and setting the glass down. “Have you found anything about the maroon car yet?”

“Not yet, but we'll know who's behind this soon,” Ranveer assured.

Just then a police inspector knocked and entered with a constable. “Miss Maya Bajaj, we need to take your statement about the accident.”

Maya looked uncertainly at Ranveer, wondering if she should mention the maroon car that hit her or not. He gestured for her to tell the full truth. She nodded and recounted the incident for the police while they took notes.

Afterwards the police stepped out to the hall with Ranveer. “Mr. Malhotra, this is clearly attempted murder. Do you suspect anyone specific?”

“I have many enemies, hard to name just one,” Ranveer replied vaguely. “Check all the CCTV cameras on that road. Try to identify the maroon car, trace its number plate to find the culprit.”

The inspector smiled. “We'll investigate fully. In the meantime, we suggest extra security for Miss Bajaj until the perpetrator is caught.”

Ranveer considered but declined the offer. “No need, I'll handle her protection personally.”

“As you wish,” the police conceded before taking their leave.

Ranveer returned to Maya's room. “The doctors will discharge you tomorrow,” he informed her.

“Good, I'll be happy to get home,” Maya said, relieved.

“You're not going back to your apartment though,” Ranveer countered.

“What do you mean?”

“You and your mother will move in with me at Paradise,” he stated plainly.

Maya's jaw dropped in shock. “Are you insane? I can't move in with you. I have enough problems from this fake relationship. I won't make it worse.”

“It's not a request,” Ranveer said firmly.

“Ranveer, you don't get to make decisions for me,” Maya snapped back.

Ranveer gritted his teeth in frustration. “I thought the medicines would help you think clearly. Your life is at risk, maybe because of me or maybe your own people. I don't care which. I'm already neglecting business too much. If you're with me, I'll worry less.”

“You can leave anytime. I didn't ask you to put work aside for me,” Maya argued. “Aisha will look after my security.”

Ranveer rolled his eyes at her stubbornness. Why were women so inflexible? Especially this one.

When Maya tried calling the nurse but got no response, she pleaded for Ranveer to summon them since the call button was not working either.

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