Page 26 of One Hellish Passion

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Completing the rest of the few hours of work in that office, Maya returned back to her hotel. Ranveer Malhotra had totally screwed up her mood. That man was like a leech. Once stuck, he kept sucking the blood until you are drained. Maya headed in for a steamy shower to wipe off his thoughts, his powerful gaze, and especially the below-the-grade talks that happened in his cabin.


It was dinner time, and her entire team of models decided to have a group dinner in the same hotel where they were currently residing. Maya, though not interested, had to accept because that was the only way she could keep her thoughts restricted from going in the other direction. Kate raised the toast for everyone.

“For Hong Kong,” she exclaimed, and all the others clinked their glasses. Maya held the liquor glass in her hand and quickly gulped it down her throat. She really needed this. She wanted to forget that man’s voice, face, and his thoughts for a night at least. The moment she set her glass down, she poured some more liquor into her empty glass. She was not fond of alcohol, but she had tried it before.

“Maya is on a roll today,” Kate teased. “Missing your boyfriend?” she softly whispered to Maya, who chuckled.

“I don’t have one.”

“Really? Any ex?”

Maya shook her head in denial.

“That’s impossible. A stunning woman like you has never had a man in her life? Too good to be true.”

Maya sighed.

“Never got any lucky, Kate. But I am fine. I like to be single. I don’t have to waste time keeping someone else entertained. You know what I mean, right? Messaging, calling frequently, and socializing with his friends, and family. No way. I have too much on my plate already to be a part of all this.”

Kate laughed.

“I hope you find someone soon to change your thoughts about being in a relationship. It’s more than what you think it is.”

“Oh my God,” Pam shouted suddenly as if she saw some ghost. “Ranveer is here.”

Before Maya could comprehend what she said, Ranveer Malhotra reached their table.

“Hello, girls,” he greeted them and quickly fixed his eyes on his subject, the sole reason he was there in that hotel.

Maya hiccupped. He was here? Why? She remembered what he had said while she left his cabin. He is a bad stalker. Was he stalking her?

“Ranveer, it’s such a pleasant surprise,” Kate got up and welcomed him. “Why don’t you join us?”

“No,” Maya interrupted.

Ranveer gave her a strange look, just like the other models who were surprised at how she could deny him.

“I mean,” Maya cleared her throat, “we don’t have any extra chairs here.” She gave the best excuse she could think of.

“I’ll happily take yours,” he teased. She was confused; if he took her chair, where would she sit? But soon he sorted her confusion. Ranveer leaned to her ear and whispered. “You will sit on my lap, Maya.”

Maya lurched stumbling behind. Whether it was the influence of alcohol or the impact of his words, she couldn't discern. Nevertheless, the moment she visualized what Ranveer had just said, she felt a surge of warmth coursing through her body. Ranveer reached out, holding her hand.

“You seem quite tipsy,” he observed, a tinge of surprise evident in his expression. She shrugged off his hand and swallowed her nervousness.

“I am fine,” she quickly grabbed her purse. “I need to go, girls. Have a few calls to make. See you tomorrow morning.”

“But Maya, you didn’t eat yet. And now that Ranveer is joining us, why are you leaving?” Pam inquired.

“I am really sorry, Pam, but I have to go.” With that, she walked away from the table.

Her eyes drooped heavily. Fumbling in her purse, Maya secured her room keys, but her feet moved uncontrollably, nearly colliding with a couple to whom she promptly apologized. Intoxicated, she reached the elevator, pressing the button with a flicker of hope that she wouldn't stumble again. A group of young men, staring at her and commenting, intensified her insecurity. Clutching her purse, Maya hastily entered the elevator as the doors opened, only to find the boys stepping in too, standing uncomfortably close. Panicking, she contemplated leaving, but one of them blocked her exit. The doors were about to close when they came to a halt, and a new figure entered. Maya squinted to identify him and oddly found solace, even though he was the reason for her inebriation and abrupt departure from her colleagues.

Ranveer Malhotra approached Maya, obstructing other men's access to her. Maya felt a wave of relief wash over her, briefly closing her eyes as the doors sealed them inside. Her hotel room was on the 31st floor high above. As the elevator ascended, more people crammed inside, crowding the small space. Ranveer leaned in closer and Maya tensed, making room for him. His brooding eyes were enough to make her uncomfortable. But at least for now, she was safe from the other men. On floor 18 the elevator became even more cramped, pressing Maya against Ranveer. She felt an electric spark pass between them. But no one exited to relieve the tight squeeze. Unable to avoid his gaze, Maya found herself looking at his chest where his unbuttoned shirt revealed a V of skin at his neck. Despite her distaste for him, she couldn't deny his allure, a thought that sent tingles through her once more. Finally reaching floor 31, Ranveer seized her hand and pulled her out of the crowded elevator as Maya breathed a sigh of relief.

Keys fell from Maya’s fingers in nervousness. Ranveer rolled his eyes and leaned down to pick up the keys. She bent down at the same time, and their heads collided.

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