Page 153 of One Hellish Passion

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“Sounds nice,” Maya smiled politely.

Sensing the bride's hesitation, Daadi prodded gently, “You don't like it? We can change anything - it's your big day and should be what you and Ranveer want. I just made suggestions. Tell me your dream wedding.”

Relieved, Maya confessed, “I'd prefer something small, only people who truly care about us as guests.”

Daadi was surprised but pleased by Maya's wishes. “That's exactly what Ranveer would want too - an intimate, simple wedding. And that simplicity is what he adores in you.”

Intimate. That word again, giving Maya goosebumps. Ranveer's behavior toward her had grown increasingly intense, awakening unfamiliar feelings. Catching her reflection, she saw the changes - she wasn't just Maya Bajaj anymore. She was Maya Malhotra now.

The door opened and the man she was thinking about entered, his expression raw and greedy. Their gazes locked, a jolt of anticipation running through her.

“How did you escape Dhruv's watch already?” Daadi asked her grandson wryly.

“I bribed him,” Ranveer shrugged, his focus still devouring Maya.

Reality hit - it was their wedding night. Daadi's voice interrupted Maya's nervous thoughts.

“Ranveer, you're not sharing a room until after the rituals. It's only three days. Don't be difficult.”

Maya was equally surprised but relieved to have a reprieve from her anxiety around intimacy.

“Are you kidding me, Daadi?” Ranveer snapped. “We're legally married. What more do we need to share a room? I don't care about traditions.”

Daadi frowned. “A relationship is more than signing legal documents, Ranveer.”

“It's definitely more than meaningless rituals for society even,” he fired back.

Sighing at his stubbornness, Daadi turned to Maya. “He wouldn’t understand this, Maya. But what do you think?”

“Don't involve her,” Ranveer warned. “One of us have decided to stay with the other, and that’s enough.”

Daadi shrugged helplessly and was about to leave when Maya interrupted.

“It's about both of us,” Maya corrected gently. “It’s always ‘us’ in a marriage, Ranveer. Not ‘you’ and ‘me’. And I believe in what Daadi said.”

“Maya, don’t.” His voice hardened, something she didn’t expect from him on their first day of marriage.

“The traditions are like blessings, that strengthen a marriage. I want to honor them,” she explained sincerely.

His mood visibly dimmed but he bit out, “Fine, do as you wish.”

Storming off, he ignored Daadi's pleas as she and Maya exchanged helpless looks.

“It's my fault, I should have told him beforehand,” Daadi lamented. “I ruined his big day.”

Maya squeezed her hand reassuringly. “He'll understand, Daadi. I'll talk to him.”

Though she'd promised to smooth things over, Maya wondered how to improve Ranveer's foul mood. He'd left out in anger despite Dhruv's attempts to stop him from not leaving like that.

Garima was disappointed too.

“Why make an issue of it when you're already married? I had plans for you tonight.”

“Daadi has a traditional perspective, Mom, which I respect.”

“But you've upset your husband - what about that?” Garima countered.

“I'll speak with him when he returns,” Maya replied, though anxious about it herself.

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