Page 36 of Loss

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Vault’s eyes close and I know he’s going to pass out from the pain filling him. There’s no way he can’t. I’ve seen these guys in all stages after being hurt. From walking into the clubhouse right after some kind of battle to healing. They’re the biggest babies when they’re hurt and are assholes if they can’t ride their bikes. Vault is the first one I’ve seen that isn’t a complete dick because he hasn’t been able to ride. He just gets in my car with me and lets me drive. Another first when it comes to the men in my life. If they’re in a cage, they have to be the one behind the wheel. I swear, every aspect of their life has to be in their complete control and they’re not happy if that’s not the case. Oh well! I love them all and wouldn’t do anything to change them.

Before Vault can pass out, the sound of someone walking down the stairs I just notice off to the left fills the room we’re in. Instantly, he’s alert and staring at me once again. Our eyes meet and I know he’s trying to tell me to keep my mouth shut and stay safe without saying a single word as the people coming to see us are talking. I can’t make out their words with the pounding in my head, but I do stop moving my hands so they don’t realize that I’ve actually made progress on breaking free from their ropes. That’s the last thing I need right now. There’s nothing I can do about the blood coating my skin, but I can make them believe they caused the damage and I’m sure it will do nothing but inflate their egos because they hurt me.

“I see you’re finally awake,” one of the men says as I take the two of them in with every step they take closer to the bed I’m in.

The man who just spoke is tall and lanky with long dark hair that’s greasy as hell. It looks as if it’s been weeks since the last time he washed it. His tee-shirt and jeans hang from his body and are barely more than rags covered in stains of some sort. Again, I don’t want to know what the hell they’re from. His teeth are yellowed and he’s missing more than what is actually in his mouth. The blue of his eyes is dull and lifeless as he stares down at my mostly naked body while licking his lips. Chills race up my spine from the pure disgust filling me.

Turning my attention to the second man, I see that he’s even skinnier than the first man. They’re similar in the fact that they’re both wearing clothes that are hanging off their bodies and are covered in stains and holes. This asshole doesn’t have any hair, but he’s got patches of dirt and grime covering his skin. Especially his neck and arms. He brings his nails up and I see them filled with nasty shit. His skin is covered in bruises and what looks like track marks up his arms and even one or two in his neck. He has no teeth in his mouth and the smile he tries to give me is even worse than it would look if he had teeth in his mouth. It’s fucking evil and I quickly look away from him. These men are definitely using some kind of drug and I want nothing to do with them. Though, it will work in our favor since their senses are going to be dulled and reaction times will be slower than hell because of the drugs coursing through their system.

These men are vile and with every single step closer they get to me, the worse the smell becomes. Their body odor is overwhelming and I have to fight to hold back the bile threatening to spew from me. They both need a shower, deodorant, and clean clothes that actually fit them. I’d tell them that, but I want to see what they’re gonna do to me first. Or to Vault. I’m not going to sit back and let them hurt him without doing everything in my power to keep their attention on me one way or another. Vault has been hurt enough and doesn’t deserve this shit to happen to him.

“We were told you were beautiful by the boss man, but he didn’t tell us you were sexy. We’re not supposed to touch you, but what he doesn’t know won’t get us in trouble,” the only man who’s spoken says, a sinister smirk on his face as he stares me down.

Vault starts to thrash against the restraints holding him in the chair.

“You fuckin’ touch her and I’ll gut you,” he promises them, his voice full of hate and rage as his entire body straightens in the chair as if he’s forced the pain from his body and become numb to everything.

“You’re not in a position to do anything, asshole. We are though,” the fucker states, reaching out and running a finger down the side of my face as I yank my head away from him.

The pain explodes in my head and my vision blurs and gets darker. The need to be sick fills me from the horrendous pain. I’m robbed of my ability to speak and tell them I don’t want them touching me as tears fill my eyes. I can’t even tell these men not to touch me because the fear, pain, and rage filling me incapacitate me completely. This is worse than any migraine I’ve ever had and I have to remember that fast movements are the enemy right now.

Watching the second man, he moves around the bed, kicking out at Vault as he walks by him, and comes to stop on the other side of me. Looking at one another for a second, both men reach out and start running their hands over my body anywhere they can. I try to twist and turn away from their disgusting touch to no avail. One of the men squeezes my breast so hard pain fills my chest and I still don’t open my eyes after slamming them shut so I could try to disappear from my current reality. Nails dig into my skin causing bites of pain and now I have to worry about getting some kind of infection from their nasty hands touching me.

“Get the fuck away from her!” Vault screams so loud, making my eyes snap open as I stare at him and only him.

I try to let him know to calm down, but he doesn’t listen to me. Vault is thrashing around in the chair so violently that I worry he’ll collapse to the floor beneath him. That will do nothing but damage his shoulder even more than what’s already been done to him. His body is a myriad of colors from the bruising that seems to get even worse with each move he makes. In response, the men laugh and it doesn’t sound like any kind of laugh I’ve ever heard before. It only makes them sound crazier than they already are.

Sucking in a gasp of air, I realize I’ve been holding my breath as the men touch me all over. I thrash and continue trying to get away from their touch but it does nothing but make my body ache from being stretched out and my head pound even more. Soon, the pain overwhelms me and I can’t stop the blackness from pulling me under as I give Vault one last look filled with all the love I have for him. I hope he’s okay and doesn’t do anything to get himself hurt even worse, or killed.

Chapter Twenty-Three


THERE’S A HAZE filling every inch of my mind and body as I watch these dead fuckers touching my girl. She doesn’t want their touch and I know she’d be telling them to stop if she could. My girl is completely paralyzed with fear and anger. I know the look in her eyes as they become distant and closed off from the world around her. Annabell is going to some secret place in her mind where no one can reach her. She doesn’t have to face what’s being done to her in this safe place or remember anything that’s happened in her life. At least that’s how she explained it to me shortly after coming to the compound when we were hanging out all the time. It’s where she forced herself to go when everything got to be too much for her and she needed a break. Now, she’s using that safe place for her to get away from the men violating her.

Annabell looks at me and I can see the pain in her eyes as she tries to tell me something. I’m so far lost in the rage filling me that I can’t understand what she means. All I know is the light in her eyes is starting to fade and she’s losing consciousness while the men continue to run their hands over her body and touch her where they don’t have any business touching. My heart fucking breaks when Annabell finally passes out because relief fills me. She won’t have to live through more of them touching her even as I watch every move they make so I can fucking gut them after torturing them for touching my woman. She’s been through so much shit in her life already and this just might be what throws her over the edge to somewhere none of us will ever get her back from.

“Get the fuck away from her. Right now!” I growl out the best I can as I pull and yank against the chains holding me to the chair.

I don’t give a fuck what happens to me when my girl is so fucking lost and in the pain she’s in.

“It’s no fun when I can’t see the fear in their eyes,” the only man who’s spoken states as he looks directly at me while finally removing his hands from her body. “She’ll wake up eventually and I’ll make sure I’m here when she does. You’re gonna watch us fuck your girl raw until she’s bleeding from every hole she has.”

“The fuck I am. I’ll gut you if you come back in here,” I assure them, letting the asshole walking by me kick me once again.

Both men disappear as tears fill my eyes and I take in my girl lying prone on the bed. There are no marks on her body except for the bruising on her temple and the blood coating her skin. She looks like a fucking angel on the bed even if I know that she’s in so much pain and hurting. The need to gut the men responsible for this shit fills me in ways I’ve never felt before as I can’t look away from my girl. I’ll watch over her and do everything I can to ensure no one else gets close enough to touch her. Especially as I hear more footsteps walking down the stairs toward us.

Looking up, I see a man standing just at the bottom of the stairs. He’s wearing a three piece suit that’s immaculate and not a wrinkle in sight. Black, polished shoes cover his feet as he adjusts the sleeves of his white button-down shirt. His dark hair is cut short and styled perfectly. The man’s skin is tan and there’s not a tattoo or blemish in sight as his eyes roam over Annabell’s body in a way that’s all too familiar with her. After what feels like an eternity has passed, the man finally turns his attention to me and I get a good look at the cold, lifeless brown eyes as they narrow and take in every detail of me. I don’t bother hiding the rage filling me as he looks me over like I’m less than a piece of shit.

“So, you’re the man Annabell has given herself to? The one she loves so much no one else will ever compare to,” he questions me, his voice smooth and deep as he steps closer to the two of us.

“Who the fuck are you?” I bark out, my voice hard and deadly as I look at him with hate-filled eyes.

“My name is Dominic Santos. I met Annabell when we were in college together. I’m sure she’s told you about me,” he states, arrogance filling his voice as he smirks at me.

“You could say that I guess. She told me about the stupid fucker she met in college who took her virginity and didn’t make sure he let her feel an ounce of pleasure while he chased his. My girl has nothin’ good to say about you and I have a feelin’ that she’s gonna fuckin’ hate seein’ you now,” I tell him honestly, laughing as outrage fills his face. “See, in one night, I gave my girl more pleasure than you ever gave her the entire time you were together. Other than that little detail, I know nothin’ about you. She doesn’t wanna talk to you or think about you. Oh, wait, I do know her best friend had to come pick her up because you decided to put your hands on her in anger. She’ll never get close to you again or let you talk to her.”

“You don’t know anything about Annabell. She needs a firm hand to keep her in line. She’s a spoiled bitch and I know she’ll eventually come to obey me no matter where we are or who’s around us. Annabell will eventually forget all about you and the people she considers family because you’re all neanderthals who don’t deserve a place in her life. With me, she’ll know where she stands and that’s behind me, silent, and doing as I tell her to do,” Dominic states as if that’s already the path she’s going to take.

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