Page 29 of Stolen

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“My insurance will cover everything. Once all this is over, I’ll get back on my feet and the business will be thriving again. I just have to stay the course and not give into defeat,” she said triumphantly, wagging her fist in the air.

“You are something else,” he said, but truthfully her words gave him courage as well. All they had to do was stay the course. Unable to resist, he kissed her cheek, needing to feel her warm skin on his lips.

Once the officers were done with them, the sirens finally ceased to echo in their ears but what SynTanner and Blossom were left with was a crowd of people gazing at them sympathetically.

“Let’s get out of here before my customers get wind of this. I don’t wanna see or talk to anyone,” Blossom grumbled. She’d stuffed her back up work phone in her back pocket before the bullets started to fly and even now, she could feel it vibrating consistently. No doubt some of her customers already caught wind of the shooting.

“Would you like a ride anywhere?” The only officer left on the scene who wasn’t continuing to collect evidence and tape off her building came up to them.

“We gotta go see Valerie,” she stated.

“I need to get you a shirt to put on, Blossom,” he told her. Blossom just nodded blindly. The situation was finally beginning to sink in for her.

“Go with the officer to the hospital, Blossom. Keep the blanket around you. I’m gonna go home and get a change of clothes and meet you there. I’ll bring you a shirt to wear,” he said. Blossom looked between the officer and SynTanner.

“I promise I’ll be right behind you,” SynTanner said, pulling at a strand of her hair. She rubbed her eyes. Even though the paramedics had used bottles of water to wash the blood from her hands, they were still stained copper.

“Okay, I’ll go,” she finally said. The officer already was leading her away. SynTanner took her hand before she was completely away from him. He leaned down and kissed her as if they’d done this for a hundred morning. As if it was just so natural. To him, it was just instinct now. With the way her lips responded to his, he knew that for her it was instinct as well.

“See you soon,” he told her.

“Wait, just one more,” she begged. SynTanner smiled and pecked her on the mouth again.

“Shit, I want another one,” she groaned.

“Alright, let’s go Ms. Freeman,” the officer grunted, clearly not amused by their show of PDA. SynTanner watched as she was placed in the patrol car. She looked out of the window at him, smiling even though her eyes were sad.

I’m gonna make you smile with both those lips and your eyes. Just wait for it Blossom.The thought crossed his mind as he mounted his bike. It was sudden and swift and he didn’t deny it either. He wanted to make her happy. Part of him knew that she didn’t have to do anything but be herself to make him happy. When all this was over, he wondered if she would commit to him? Hell, he hadn’t thought of committing to a woman in a long time. Maybe it was what he needed.

* * *

In the large waiting area,Blossom sat alone. The moment she gave Valerie’s name to the front desk, they gave her directions to the 5th floor and that’s where she sat waiting to hear more. Not knowing if they were notified yet, Blossom pulled out her back up phone and found the number in her contacts she was searching for.

“Hi, Mrs. Henry. It’s me, Blossom.”

“Oh, hi my dear! How are you?” Blossom tried not to cry as she heard the old woman’s voice. Especially because she realized the woman hadn’t known what happened.

“I’m not doing so well. There—there was a shooting down at the company today.” The sharp gasp echoed in Blossom’s ear.

“I gave the police all the information but I didn’t have your phone number on hand. Valerie was hurt Mrs. Henry. I’m down at the hospital right now waiting to hear something new. She’s in surgery,”

“Oh, my goodness,” the elder woman breathed. “My baby,” she whispered.

“I’m so sorry I—this—”

“Don’t apologize dear! We both know that this world consists of people who know nothing but causing hurt and pain. I’ll be right there, Blossom. Don’t worry yourself and please be safe.” Blossom ended the call, hating to have to tell Valerie’s mother that her daughter was fighting for her life in an operating room.

Blossom’s heart was lumped in her throat as if the organ itself wanted to claw itself out of her body through her throat and her mouth. The urge to vomit gripped her.

“Stay calm,” she grunted to herself, knowing that panic was the only reason her body was beginning to make her uncomfortable. Even as she held herself, her hands were trembling. What if Valerie didn’t pull through? And why out of all people, someone like Douglas would be behind the shooting? Did Chance truly set that up?

Feeling the need to scream in frustration, Blossom flung herself out of her chair. She crossed her arms and began to pace. What was going to be Chance’s next move? Hell, what was going to be her next move? Shaking her head, Blossom marched towards the elevator. Thinking about what the hell Chance was planning, or what the hell she was going to do herself was making her feel suffocated. The walls were closing around her and she needed an escape.

Still with the blanket around her, she took the elevator back down to the main floor. Scurrying past patrons and hospital workers, Blossom rushed desperately for the door. Thankfully, she hadn’t had to wait in the emergency room waiting room or else she would have panicked even more. Escaping into the open air outside, Blossom gasped and gulped for air.

Panic was still rising in her throat like bile from deep within her guts but every gulp of air she swallowed pushed the offending feeling down. Blossom slowly gripped onto control, easing the beating of her heart.

“Valerie is going to be okay,” she told herself. “She will be okay.” Blossom trotted down the large steps in front of the hospital, continuing to breath and calm herself.

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