Page 113 of Sinful Bride

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I move to the door. Grab the handle and turn it, pulling, my other hand poised over the gun stashed in my back holster. And then?—



“You should gag her.” My sister-in-law calmly steps inside and locks the door behind her. “Bitch is getting loud.”

I frown. “What are you doing here?”

She shrugs her jacket off and hangs it on the coat rack, then starts rolling up her sleeves. She barely spares me a second glance. “They’ve got Daphne stabilized. Jamie and Mak are there with the kids; they’re just waiting for the sitter to pick them up. I figured I have some time to kill.”

“Melanie, this is not something you want to be a part of.”

“Oh, you’re right.” She steps around the overturned furniture to crouch in front of Brittany. “I don’t like violence. But you know what I hate the most?”

The sound of flesh meeting flesh makes even me wince.

If I thought Sofi’s backhanded slaps were brutal… shit.

Melanie just broke a record. And, potentially, a nose.

“I hate selfish bitches like you who put their hands on my sister,” she finishes.

Sofi’s brows hit her hairline. “You good there, Mels?”

“Oh, yeah.” She nods and wipes her bloodstained hand on Brittany’s jeans. “That’s just a warm-up.”

I don’t think that’s what my sister was referring to. There’s a wild, yet cold, glint in Melanie’s eyes that I’ve never seen before. In the Bratva among my men, it would be the sign of an ideal assassin.

But this housewife? This down-to-earth wife and mother of two, who barely curses at burned casserole?

“I know what you’re thinking.” Melanie ducks into the kitchen for a dish towel, bringing it back out and using it to gag Brittany’s mouth. “And before you start questioning my sanity, just remember who my parents are.”

“Be as it may.” I rest a hand on her shoulder to make her stop in her stride before she does something she’ll regret. “Look at me, Melanie.”

She does. For one instant, a flicker of vulnerability passes through her otherwise cold expression. Then it’s gone again.

“There’s no going back from this. I can protect you from the cops, from investigations, from the Clearys if they try to come after you. But I can’t protect you from your own nightmares.”

Melanie takes it into consideration. I can see the wheels turning in her mind as she weighs the pros and cons of seeing Brittany through to the bitter end.

“Thank you,” she says softly. “Really. It means a lot. However…” She turns back around and stalks over to where she can kneel in front of our captive once more. “You,” she snarls at her, “have been my sister’s nightmare for years. I will always protect her. No matter what it costs me.”

I take that as my cue to leave. Mak texts me to let me know Daphne should wake up any minute now. I silently check with Sofi, who gives me a single nod to confirm she’s got this handled. Damien will remain outside, far enough to avoid detection but close enough to help hide the body when they’re done.

I slip out the back door and find myself agreeing with Melanie about the gag.

Brittany Cleary is a loud screamer.



Every knock at the door makes me wonder if the police are here to ask about Brittany’s sudden disappearance.

I’m not actually worried. Pasha will handle it the way he handles everything.

I stir the creamer in my coffee, watching the tendrils of white melt into a pale brown. My mind can’t help but wonder if this is what her blood looked like when they washed their clothes in her machines when they were done.

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