Page 35 of Sinful Blaze

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The tone of his voice brooks no argument. He’s not raising his voice or expressing any anger, but the muscle in his jaw is ticking and I think—I think—I’m actually starting to irritate him.

“With respect,” I offer, “I am grateful to you for your generosity. And your willingness to be part of my baby’s life. However?—”

“Our baby.”

“Yes. Well. I have no desire to become a kept woman. I sure as shit have no desire to bow to some archaic, misogynistic notion of being barefoot and pregnant while the father of my children goes out and does… whatever the hell it is you do.”

“Weapons dealing, mostly.”

“Weapons dealing. Fantastic. Truly the stuff role models are made of.” I tap my finger on the table the same time my leg starts shaking; it’s a nervous tic I developed after a certain traumatic event occurred to make me hate guns with every fiber of my being. “So tell me, Pasha, what exactly are your plans for our child? Raise them up to be your… what? Heir? Prince-in-waiting? Take over the family business someday?”

His gaze doesn’t leave mine as he nods. “That’s the general idea.”

“Cool. Great. No thanks.” This time, I shove my chair back hard. I’m done. Out of here.

“Sit down.”

“Fuck off.”

I turn to march straight the hell out of here, but I’m blocked by the slow rise of three of his men. They only look at me to silently suggest I listen to the boss man and play nice, but otherwise, they wait respectfully for his orders.

“I realize this is difficult to understand.” Pasha’s voice moves with him as he rises and steps up behind me. Once his hands rest on my arms, his men step back and give us plenty of space. “So here are the notes: yes, I am a mob boss. These are my men, from my Bratva, and I am their pakhan. They do as I say. Everyone in my household does as I say. And since you, moya plamya, are carrying my child, you are now part of my household. Which means you do, in fact, need to do as I say.”

Tears sting my eyes. I don’t want to look at him. I don’t want them to see me cry.

I just want to go home and hide under the covers until all this blows over. Until he forgets about me. Until I no longer matter to him.

But what then? Will he take my baby?

“You should have told me.” It’s the only thing I can manage through the lump in my throat.

Pasha turns me around and wipes my fallen tear away with his thumb. “You’re right; I should have. But I cared too much. I didn’t want to ruin your life with mine.”

He… cares about me?

No. Don’t. Don’t let him love-bomb you and railroad everything you’ve worked so hard to achieve.

That’s the same shit Conrad did.

“I… I just don’t need the stress. Not right now. It’s bad for the baby.”

He genuinely seems to take that into consideration. “Of course. Speaking of which: I’m coming to your next appointment.”

“I don’t…” My cheeks heat. “I don’t have one scheduled yet.”

He sucks in a breath that sounds like the tail end of his patience. “I will arrange for?—”

“No, thank you. I can manage.”

His face shifts like he’s putting in a ton of effort not to steamroll me into whatever it is he wants instead. “Then you’ll let me know when and where to be.”

I nod even as I swallow past the huge knot in my throat. “I’ll text you.”

“See that you do. And Daphne…” Pasha’s face hardens. “I’m not heartless. But I am a man who has no choice when it comes to protecting my own. As of now, that includes you.”

I don’t acknowledge his words with my own, or even a nod. I’m too scared that, if I do, I’ll be entering into some Faustian bargain I’ll never be able to escape without groveling at his feet for crumbs.

“I just want to go home, please.”

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