Page 198 of Sinful Blaze

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“And?” I press. “Am I getting out?”

“Within twenty-four hours, yes. The team is working on shortening that up as much as possible.”

“How the fuck—” I take a deep breath to center myself. “Explain.”

Mak glances around before leaning in. “Unfortunately, their little informant was feeling very talkative. But they’re digging up old dirt.”

That makes sense. Any info Hamish might have would be a generation out of date. He’s probably got ATF sniffing down old warehouses that we haven’t used in years.

I’m no fool. The day I took over, we moved everything. Every storage facility. Every box, every pallet. I changed every last fucking door code myself.

“Just take it easy.” Sofi offers me a reassuring smile. “Play nice with the other kids. Don’t throw sand.”

I snort. “These assholes are driving me up the wall.”

One guy in here has been wailing over a goddamn hangnail. Another has been loudly snoring while he drools a thick trail of saliva down his chest. The remaining inmates make attempts at conversation, but I am in no mood.

I just want to go home. I need to go home and be with Daphne.


“How’s Daphne? Is she okay?”

Sofi winces while Mak steps away to make a phone call. “She’s the same as she was this morning. Despondent, barely eating, and waiting for you to remove your head from your ass.”

I don’t like the look on Mak’s face. It goes from solemn, to stern, to almost pissed.

And then uncertain, when he turns around and slowly walks back to me.

“Actually,” he chimes in, “she’s not.”

Sofi tries to find the punchline that isn’t there. “What do you mean? She was just?—”

“Mama’s over there right now. She’s been trying to get a hold of us.” He fists his phone, then forces himself to look at me. “I’m sorry, Pash. But she’s gone. She left for her sister’s and doesn’t know when she’ll be back.”

If I thought I’d already shit out my stomach, I was wrong. It’s happening right now. “Why?”

He opens a text and reads it aloud to me. From the angle he gives me to see the image, it’s a picture of the note Daphne left behind. “‘Pasha, I didn’t want you to feel uncomfortable or unwelcome in your own home. I’m heading out to Mel’s for a while so you can have your space. I don’t know when or if I’ll be back.’” He pauses. “‘I love you, and I miss you.’”

My heart is in my throat, and it tastes like acid. I have to think. Fast. I’m not going to lose my woman or my child over some miserable asshole’s pathetic attempt to keep me from his daughter.

“Go to her.”

Mak and Sofi look at me like I’m insane.

I double down, righting myself and sorting my thoughts. “Go to Daphne. Make sure she’s okay, and make sure she knows what’s going on. I’ll be there as soon as I can.”



“Seriously, Mother Hen, I’m fine.” I give Mel a light push. “If I wear anything fluffier, I’m going to become a marshmallow.”

My sister sighs and helps me slip my feet into the ultra-plush slippers she bought for me as an early baby shower gift. “Are you sure? I can get you another blanket.”

I’ve just taken a shower and was greeted upon my emergence with a neatly folded pile of pajamas, a thick robe, these slippers, and a faux fur blanket to wrap around me. I know this is all supposed to help me calm down and feel safe, warm, and comfortable, but…

It also kind of makes me feel like they’ve packaged me in bubble wrap.

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