Page 185 of Sinful Blaze

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“She’s trying to get back with Conrad!” Brittany’s voice cracks. Tears well up. “I just found out, and… and I can’t let her keep doing this to people!”

“You just said she’s loyal.”

“She is! To her family. If they tell her to marry Conrad, she’ll do it. If they tell her to move in with you, she’ll do it. They’ve been trying to rearrange their wedding with his family this whole time, but I thought he’d reject them.” She sniffs. “He didn’t.”

I’m so glad my brother and sister don’t keep me waiting. I’ve had enough of this woman’s insane mood swings.

The second the door bursts open, I thrust my chin at Brittany. “Get her out of here. Make sure security knows to have her arrested if she ever shows her face here again.”

“Not a problem.” Sofi grabs Brittany’s arm and hauls her to the door. When the woman tries to protest and pull away, Sofi maneuvers both her arms behind her back and zipties her wrists together. “Move again, and I’m going to make this extremely uncomfortable for you.”

Mak and I watch them go into the elevator. He waits until the doors close before turning to me. “So, what did we miss?”

I don’t even know where to begin. I can’t—I won’t—believe any of it.

So why the hell does it bother me so much?

I head over to the wet bar. I need a fucking drink. “It seems we have reason to believe Daphne has been keeping secrets. Like the fact that she’s a Hamish.”

“Wait… like, Stewart Hamish? His daughter?” Mak’s face pales as it sinks in. “Oh… shit. Her sister. Her sister.”

I nod. Stare at the ice in the bucket. Wish I could plunge my head into it. “Daphne Covington is Daphne Hamish, Melanie Hamish’s sister. She changed her name.”

“I have to say, I don’t blame her. That family is a mess.” He slumps down onto the couch. “Oh my God. Everything makes so much sense now.” Looking up at me as he strokes his chin, he adds, “Mama was just mentioning Daphne’s family problems. I don’t know the details, but it sounds like Daphne publicly disowned them the other day.”

I am prone to believe someone who isn’t Brittany Cleary over… well, Brittany Cleary. And if Mama has information that clears Daphne’s side of things, even better.

But not everything can be waved away.

“Brittany said Daphne’s trying to get back with Ewing.”

Mak snorts so hard, spittle flies out. “Oh, come on. Do you actually believe that?”

I sigh and sip my bourbon. “No. I don’t.”

“Good. Because while I don’t know the details about the disowning thing, I do have the report from Dominik detailing how she stabbed Ewing in his good hand with a salad fork. Twice. I even have the security camera footage to prove it.”

“You’re just telling me this now?”

Mak rolls his eyes. “Was there a better time to do it?”

No. There really hasn’t been. I’ve been so caught up in making sure everything is meticulously arranged for my baby girl’s arrival. Things have slipped through the cracks.

“Get me everything you can on Daphne Hamish. Leave no stone unturned. By the time we’re done, I should know the song of her first dance recital.”

I’m suddenly very glad Daphne wanted to visit Hazel today.

It will make confronting her easier.

For once, I’d like to open a door and see someone or something that I actually want to see.

Today is not that day.

Because when I open the door to Hazel Ryan’s apartment complex, who do I see in the hallway?

Sidney Conrad Ewing…

Pinning Daphne Hamish to the wall with his face in her neck.

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