Page 4 of Carnival Monster

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Maybe she’ll come back into the haunted house again. Maybe she’ll stumble into my waiting arms. And if she does, I’ll show her what real fear tastes like. I’ll claim her completely. The thought makes me smile.

Waiting here and hoping she comes back is foolish. Instead, I stalk out of the haunted house and abandon my post, my senses buzzing. The fairground is alive with activity, people milling about, their laughter and screams filling the air. I search for her, hoping to catch her scent again.

While I make my way through the crowds, I feel an impact against my shoulder. I whirl around, my fists clenched, ready to strike. It’s Nash, another idiot who works at the carnival. He’s wearing his mask, a stupid grin plastered across the cheap plastic.

“Sorry, man,” he says, holding up his hands in apology. “Didn’t see you there.”

I don’t speak, glaring at the bastard, my eyes burning holes through my mask. Anger is rising, clawing at me to lash out and make him pay for interrupting my hunt. But I hold back, my fists clenched so tight my knuckles turn white.

Nash steps back, his expression faltering. He can sense the danger radiating off me, the barely contained rage. “Hey, no hard feelings, right?” he says, his voice wavering slightly. “We’re all just trying to do our job here.”

Taking a step forward, I loom over him. The coward shrinks back, his eyes wide with fear. It’s intoxicating, almost as good as the girl’s scent. But it’s not enough.

I let out a low growl, the sound barely human. Nash trips over his feet in haste to escape, and lands on his ass, scrambling backward like a crab. It’s a satisfying sight as I stalk closer, allowing my shadow to fall across his trembling form.

“I’m sorry,” he whimpers, his voice cracking. “I didn’t mean to...”

Turning away, I snort dismissively, knowing he’s not worth my time. There’s far more important prey to hunt. I melt back into the crowd, my eyes scanning the sea of faces, searching for my target.

Cade steps out from behind a tent, his girl, Lily, clinging to his arm. I’ve seen her around before and watched Cade fuck her in the main tent. She’s hot, with her tight little body and innocent face. But she’s not my type. Too sweet, too pure. I crave something more twisted.

“Where’s the fire, Gage?” Cade asks, a smirk playing on his lips. “You look like a man on a mission.”

I don’t answer, glaring at him. I don’t have time for small talk, not when my prey is out there somewhere, waiting for me.

Lily giggles, pressing herself against Cade. “Maybe he’s looking for a girl,” she says, her voice syrupy sweet. “A man like him must have his pick of the ladies.”

Cade growls softly. “What do you mean a man like him, baby girl?” He grabs the back of her neck and squeezes. “I’m the only man you should have eyes for.”

She bites her lip. “I just meant he’s strong and tall and enjoys wearing masks. Women love that.”

I step around both of them, not bothering to open my mouth.

“Nah, Gage hasn’t been with anyone I know of since he joined. He likes his women a little too…broken.”

I clench my fists, fighting the desire to turn around and show Cade just how broken I like my girls, using his piece of ass as an example. But I don’t have time for that. I have to find her, the girl from the haunted house. The one who looked at me with those wide eyes and made my cock harder than it’s ever been.

I push through the crowd, ignoring the startled looks and angry mutters. I don’t care, though, all I care about is finding her.

And then I see her. Across the fairground, standing in line for the Ferris wheel. She’s with her friends, laughing and chatting. But even from here, I can see how she scans the crowd like she’s looking for something or someone.

Is she searching for me?

I smile, knowing she is. When I grabbed her, the look in her eyes gave her away—she wanted me. She craves my darkness, just like I crave her.

I start toward her, already imagining how she’ll feel beneath me, how she’ll scream as I take her.

She pauses before the towering Ferris wheel, and a grin stretches across my lips. In my mind’s eye, I envision her strapped into one of those rickety metal cages, trapped and at my mercy as the wheel slowly rotates. The delicious thrill of having her so helpless, so vulnerable, makes my cock throb with a sadistic need.

But I want to let the anticipation build to an agonizing crescendo before I strike. It’ll make her terror all the sweeter when I finally do.

I watch her ride the Ferris wheel, her gaze sweeping over the crowd below. My pulse quickens as I step out of the shadows, allowing her to catch sight of me. Our gazes lock, and the world fades away.

The whispers in my head urge me to claim her, to drag her into the darkness with me. My fingers twitch, longing to wrap around her delicate throat and feel the life pulsing beneath her skin. The thought of her fear and submission drives me insane.

But there’s something else, too. Her eyes are so full of curiosity and desire that they stir something new. For a moment, the idea of protecting her from the horrors of the world instead of becoming one myself graces my mind.

The conflict rages inside me as we continue our silent, staring match. Part of me wants to tear her apart, to paint the carnival grounds red with her blood. Another part yearns to know her more intimately.

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