Page 6 of Carnival Nightmare

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Alice nods, though her mouth presses into a thin line. “Okay, shall we get an Uber back?”

It’s only a ten-minute walk, and cash is tight, so I shake my head. “No, let’s walk home. We’re okay if we’re together.”

We walk in tense silence while I feel like I’m being watched. It’s probably paranoia, but after what that man said to me, I can’t help it.

My hands won’t shake when we reach my apartment, and I key in the code to open the building door. Once at my apartment door, I fumble to unlock it. Alice stays close while entering the dark apartment, flipping on lights and checking every room, but we’re alone.

I sink down on my couch, wrapping a blanket around myself like armor. Alice sits beside me, her usual exuberance subdued.

“Do you want me to stay over tonight?”she asks gently.

I hesitate. I don’t want to be alone, but I don’t want to endanger Alice.

“No, it’s okay,”I say at last. “I’ll lock the door and windows. I’ll be all right.”

She still looks uncertain but nods. “Call me if you need anything. I mean anything, Lily.”

I manage a shaky smile. “I will. Thank you for everything.”

After triple-checking the locks, Alice finally leaves with a fierce hug. Alone in the quiet apartment, I can only wait for the morning and pray he was merely trying to scare me.



Iwatch her hurry away, the click of her heels on the pavement echoing in my ears. She glances back once, eyes wide, before disappearing into the crowd. I stand motionless, my hands clenched into fists at my sides.

How dare she walk away from me. Doesn’t she know I’m the only one who truly sees her? Who appreciates her beauty and spirit? She’s mine. I know it deep in my bones.

I melt into the shadows, keeping my gaze fixed on her golden hair as she weaves through the crowd. That friend rushes to catch up, looping her arm through Lily’s protectively. I want to rip her arm right out of its socket for touching what’s mine.

They exit the fairground onto the quiet street beyond. I trail behind soundlessly, using parked cars and trees as cover. The night air is damp and heavy, matching my dark hunger. I lick my lips, imagining what I’ll do once my angel is alone.

The women turn down an alleyway, their voices echoing off the brick walls. I pause at the mouth of the alley, not wanting to get too close. My pretty angel glances back again and stumbles, cursing under her breath. Concern floods me, even though I know she just tripped over a crack in the pavement. My poor, fragile angel. Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.

After an eternity, they arrive at a run-down apartment building. Lily keys in the code while her friend waits, nibbling her lip anxiously. I wish she would leave so I can make my move, but they both head inside.

I wait in the shadows, my body tense with anticipation. A few moments later, a light comes on, andI notice her apartment must be on the third floor. Fifteen agonizing minutes pass before the building door opens again. Her friend emerges, looking troubled. She pauses on the front step, glancing around warily before hurrying into the night.

Finally, she’s gone, and I’ve got my pretty angel all to myself.

My pulse quickens when I slip from my hiding place and cross the street. The neighborhood is eerily quiet, most people already tucked away in their beds. No one to bother us. No one to interrupt.

I reach her building and pause outside the front door, glancing around. I try the handle and find it unlocked. These people are so careless with their safety. But I’ll keep her safe. I’ll always protect what’s precious to me.

The front hall is dingy, the wallpaper peeling. I wrinkle my nose at the smell of mold and stale cooking. My girl deserves so much better than this.

I climb the creaking stairs, savoring the moment. My anticipation builds with each step, my cock hardening in my jeans. Soon, very soon, we’ll be together. And I’ll never let her go.

On the third floor, I find apartment 3C. This is my angel’s sanctuary based on where the light turned on. I press my ear to the thin door and hear the shower running faintly. Arousal surges through me, vivid images flashing through my mind—Lily’s pale, perfect body displayed before me, water sluicing over her curves. I have to see her. Now.

I try the doorknob, and it’s locked. That doesn’t deter me. I pull a lock pick from my jacket pocket and quickly pick it up, slipping inside and closing the door silently behind me.

The studio apartment is small and cluttered. A rumpled bed, overflowing hamper, dishes in the sink. But none of that matters. All I see is the bathroom door and the prize that awaits me beyond it.

Slow footsteps bring me to the bathroom door, my heart pounding in my ears. The sound of running water gets louder with each step. I pause outside the door, peering through the narrow crack where it meets the frame. There she is.

Her back is to me, golden hair cascading down as she rinses shampoo from it. Rivulets of water run down the graceful curve of her spine, over the swell of her ass. She’s a vision. An angel. And she’s all mine.

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